"r/DeuxRAMA is a hate sub"

112  2020-04-15 by mdbasak1994

DAS RITE! r/DeuxRAMA is full of hate...against MAYO-ASS CRACKAS! πŸ’ͺ🏿We black kangs and kweens πŸ‘‘ ain't standing for 'dem pasty white bois over at r/AHS. Our ancestors ruled Egypt, only thing those frail whities are good for is mixing caramel soy lattes. We wuz kangs and they know it.


Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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So basically i had a boner and had to hide it and i put the dick like up towards my stomach i was wearing a hoodie and a tshirt and if someone lifted it they would see it . I got this feeling that some shit would happen so i put my dick back down and like 20 seconds later a guy pulled up my shirt and hoodie as a joke and yeah my dick wasnt there


  1. "r/DeuxRAMA is a hate sub" - archive.org, archive.today

  2. r/DeuxRAMA - archive.org, archive.today*

  3. r/AHS - archive.org, archive.today*

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As-Salaam-Alaikum my brother we Waz Kangs

Don't doxx

yeah ite fosho fosho i getchu

Good one Jamal, remind me again what the average IQ of your people is? Where is your certificate giving you personal credit for inventing Greek philosophy over 2000 years ago? That's what I thought.

Whitoid cope

I can't hear you over the sound of looking like people who've accomplished things with their lives. Nigger.

πŸ˜‚ Hell you accomplish, cracka? Losing yo girl to a more masculine, more hung, black KANG? You frail mayo "men" will be ruled by us soon, might not be the best time to make enemies. πŸ˜‚

Can someone translate these monkey noises for me?

Basically what he’s saying is You’re inferior beta ass craKKKa

it's not monkey noises. it's laughter. at your tiny peepee.

Stfu crakkka we kangs

whitey cope

Oh good a brand new redditor throwing around slurs on deuxrama.

Wave to AHS, everyone.

Too bad I've been here for several months, just ask about the retard with the Balkan usernames. It's okay though, people like you can't help but literally believe anything that lets them believe they have secret knowledge and they're as smart as mommy always told them. Also all of this was pretty obvious sarcasm. So the real issue you should be worry about is asking your mother why she thought it was okay to make you into a puzzle piece person by drinking while pregnant.


literally a slav


Where is YOUR certificate giving you personal credit for inventing Greek philosophy over 2000 years ago, crakka?

I already have one because I printed it out and signed it lmao. You've never seen a printer before have you?

tfw cracker uses printer paper instead of glorious papyrus invented by Kemet ancestors

back in the day you'd have a printer that was just a slave that you trained to write, and then after he was done you'd murder him for knowing how to write

this but the owner was a black Egyptian and the slave was Moses

The boondocks addressed this, just sayin'

That's the only reason why I know this. I'd never actually get close enough to one to find out.

Imagine unironically being a rightoid 🀣🀒

stfu litte dick witeboi that nigga trump came thro w/ that stack on god

Who the fuck you calling witeboi!!! 🀬

its' not jamal. don't wrap us up in this shit. you want to be a toothless redneck, go the fuck ahead. i will mock you for fucking your sister right where you stand.

the keyboard jockeys complaining here are "ma'am", the troid autists who sued beauty parlors for not waxing "her" feminine testicles, and tried to set up a children-only swim hour where adults are banned from the entire premises (excluding this troid of course) only to get arrested and charged in separate cases of felony assault and unlawful weapons charges. this paragraph actually based on a true story.


Fuck these white boyz. Did they think we were hating mayos ironically? 🀣🀣 Shit won't save them from the mayocide


low effort troll? or are you just impotent?

I literally went out of my way to suggest I had a personal printed certificate giving me personal credit for inventing Greek philosophy 2000 years ago, and you're still too stupid to pick up on the sarcasm while thinking you're smart for (failing) to do so. Le heckin typical plebbitor. Actually the large disparity between perceived intelligence and actual intelligence is right on point for a Trump supporter. Coon. Tira Flecha.

stick in there, you can do it, you're doing great.

le epic face saving spic. in san diego boot camp the drill instructors take the recruits/prisoners to dress up and go watch the padres play beisbol, and they can be seen in pubic. does ICE do the same thing and let you out to watch sports so everyone can know they're locking plenty of spics up?

can't hear you, you're going to have to take your sister's pubic hairs out of your mouth.

le epic face saving spic

bruh, go back to playing the nintendo switch your wife's boyfriend gave you.


"we wuz Greeks n Romans n shieet!"

Western and Northern Europeans were living in mudhuts before Romans and Christianity conquered your ancestors and brought civilisation with them.

Even after that, it still took your ancestors over a thousand years to even learn from what was brought to them and even remotely catch up to the civilisations and empires the Mediterraneans, Jews, Indians, Chinese, Ethiopians and Egyptians had achieved long beforehand.

Ok kang


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My white ass hiding behind my computer: Yea fuck white ppl! I ride or die for my niggas. DeuxCHADs rise up.