Sufferers of chronic manletism dunk on virtue signalling female whoring for precious social points that just so happens to have a very tall fiancè: "get therapy manlets1111!"

45  2020-04-16 by normiesembellishsui-


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She's literally a braindead moron. Jerking off to karma points.

she literally has 0 self-awareness my god

Jesus Christ look at her profile lmao. Poster child for mental illness, and she's cucking some army dude 😂

Bro this is almost word for word like the incel meme where they parody wahmen saying “short guys are great teehee, why yes my boyfriend is 6’2 why do you ask?”

Life imitates art

Incels are mostly right

This. They’re just annoying about it.

They annoy women so it's good

Please adjust your worldview. You’re only hurting yourself.

I bet this one drew tears of rage from a manlet

Le typical heckin plebbitor acting as emotional vampires and bullying and crushing the most vulnerable desperate people to make themselves feel good. And if these people say you're doing something wrong, it's simply that THEY'RE not listening, not that you aren't magically helping them. After all, you have good intentions.

What I've figured out in running in normal and criminal circles is the normal "good" people aren't really any different or less self serving than the criminals. The funniest part about /r/gangstalking is almost all of them do not care if you send them crazy trolling messages repeating their ridiculous delusions to them. If you go up in there and start acting like a """good person""" rationally explaining to them that it isn't real and they need help, then that is when they start getting very upset.

"To the men/boys who think they’re not 'manly enough,' that’s some BS. [You are] terrifying just like the women."

Amazing! Even in a motivational speech Manlet's get called women.

Guys you don’t understand!? There is no element of instinct in attraction, she only “loves” men for who they are! Her opinions are heckin valid!!


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I honestly think you’re all just faggots. Especially that one queer moderator who skulks around in here. Gee I really do appreciate the thought and all the psycho analysis I really hope that you didn’t have your parents spend their hard earned money on the pressures education to choose a field where you know you’re just bad at it. But my U Penn degree and cybersecurity masters, would beg to differ, thanks for playing though. You realize this sub is nothing but a bunch of fat losers who cry about peoples opinions on the Internet in a sub with other big fat fatties. This sub is the equivalent of a liberal rally, just on the Internet and with less of a purpose and is way less respected.


  1. Sufferers of chronic manletism dunk... -,

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