commies hate their parents, news at 11

47  2020-04-16 by CornReaper


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We went to this Italian restaurant and my friend was wearing her spiked jacket and I was wearing my typical all black clothing, as I do. We were eating and my friend and I were primarily talking amongst ourselves until her uncle cut through and straight up asked, “so... what are you trying to prove here?” All we were doing was enjoying some food. “Like, what are you trying to prove dressing like that?”

God imagine

Literally edgy teens, imagine my surprise.

chapos hate on Orwell

Always makes me seethe when leftoids hate on Orwell. Guy was a chad, he actually went to Spain to fight for his leftist ideals, and almost died in the process. And now modern communists hate on him 😧😧

Unironically the guy was a neocon, but didn't live long enough to witness the movement and realign.

Dude "fought" on an inactive front in Spain and snitched on people he thought were communists.

just cause the front is inactive doesn’t mean there isn’t risk of death you retard. Soldiers die all the time on fronts that aren’t like Verdun

You said fight dummy

lmao he did fight. He took his gun and went pew pew pew at the fascists from his trench, and the fascists shot at him from their trench

Well he did get shot in the throat so he was close to the enemy on at least one occasion.

That was when he was fighting against other leftists (the larger International Brigade) not the fascists IIRC

Ah. I didn’t know that. I assumed the nationalists shot him.

Oh well, he still left the house to go do something, which is more than I can say for the shut in NEETS at r/chapo

If you're an online leftist who does not contribute to society in any way then you're just a nerd who reads books and gets mad

He was fighting the wrong fascists!

Unimaginably based.

this is a great way to troll chapos

So much faggotry on one post.

horseshoe theory is many dimensional


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