Gamers think the resell market is price gouging

31  2020-04-16 by cfbWORKING


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consoomproduct can whine and seethe all they want, I make good side money reselling switches on ebay

making life harder for gamers is a kings work, king

Who do you buy them from that lets you flip for profit?


Oh so you just price gouge and profiteer off the cooped up bugmen

price gouge

You make it sound like a bad thing.

Then you misunderstand.

Anybody want a switch for $600? It has some Zelda game or whatever.

Are there people who actually think sucking dick is gay ?

  1. you're sharing protein
  2. you're admiring masculine physique
  3. being in the vacinity of other high testosterone males increases your own testosterone
  4. eating pussy is gay because you're litterally slurping down estrogen. and long term relationships have been proven to lower testosterone.

spartans had gay orgies all the time and they were the height of masculinity. you bet they were at least fondling eachothers test producers.

all these summer DYEL's piss me off. their twink bodies don't understand, but in time i'm sure they'll get it.


  1. Gamers think the resell market is p... -,

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Can't they just refuse buying from them