They only 'hate' women in a childish defensive way on equality. "i-if men can be beaten, women too! 😣 r-right guys?" Like they need constant feedback that women are not completely magical untouchable beings.
Listen📢👂up⬆️ kid🔞. This is 🔥🔥Reddit🔥🔥 and I just ⬇️downvoted👎 you. Do you really🙈think🧠🚫 your opinion😂😂 can exist🦄 being so grossly🤢🤮 different (more like wrong😂) to my own?🤦♂️Think again edgelord🙅♂️ ⚰RIP☠ in✌peace☮ to your karma buddy📉 because that arrow🏹 is gonna be ⬇️down👇 and 🥶blue😱 when I get through with you😂 Perhaps🤔 you should think🧠✌ twice✌ before disagreeing🙅♂️🙅♂️with 🃏🧐me😎🃏
1 AutoModerator 2020-04-16
What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
37 Jannieseatdoodoo 2020-04-16
How do you do fellow deuxchads? Don't you guys hate women too? Upboats to the left
I am not a seething incel btw
15 Mayos_side 2020-04-16
And a good Bussy to you kind xir
12 dont_stop_themusic 2020-04-16
Even "normie" redditors hate women. You can look at r/fightporn and r/publicfreakout, they love it when someone beat a woman.
12 againstsinglemothers 2020-04-16
I know I love it
9 Jannieseatdoodoo 2020-04-16
Redditcels aren't humans, let alone normal humans
7 WreckingYourHome 2020-04-16
They only 'hate' women in a childish defensive way on equality. "i-if men can be beaten, women too! 😣 r-right guys?" Like they need constant feedback that women are not completely magical untouchable beings.
6 [deleted] 2020-04-16
3 wokeaspie 2020-04-16
"No reason to hit a woman? Really? I can give you like 17 off the top of my head!"
5 dedoid69 2020-04-16
Yeah because it’s funny retard
10 wokeaspie 2020-04-16
Love it or leave it
15 most_slotted_floppy 2020-04-16
10 wizdumb337 2020-04-16
Ngl that is a nice turdcutter..
0 Somenakedguy 2020-04-16
Tf this image is shit tier quality of a bland ass white girl
You have shit taste and should feel bad
1 wizdumb337 2020-04-16
Well i do now..
5 Bummunism 2020-04-16
3 HaveSomeRenaWare 2020-04-16
man, when you've reposted an image so much that even the white fucking background starts showing artifacts.
1 SnapshillBot 2020-04-16
Listen📢👂up⬆️ kid🔞. This is 🔥🔥Reddit🔥🔥 and I just ⬇️downvoted👎 you. Do you really🙈think🧠🚫 your opinion😂😂 can exist🦄 being so grossly🤢🤮 different (more like wrong😂) to my own?🤦♂️Think again edgelord🙅♂️ ⚰RIP☠ in✌peace☮ to your karma buddy📉 because that arrow🏹 is gonna be ⬇️down👇 and 🥶blue😱 when I get through with you😂 Perhaps🤔 you should think🧠✌ twice✌ before disagreeing🙅♂️🙅♂️with 🃏🧐me😎🃏
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 CanadianAsshole1 2020-04-16
sauce plz