Reasonable gay Marxist Vaush angrily dunks on virtue signalling Bernie or Bust bro

11  2020-04-16 by JosipTitoBro


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Spoiler: This Bernie bro literally argues that Joe Biden would probably cause less harm in the world and kill less people, but he is willingly to actively reduce the chances of Biden being elected in order to virtue signal that he didn't have anything to do with it. After he chose to help Trump win. Basically a childish tantrum where his feelings are more important than Bernie's ideals. I am a Bernie gay but where are these fags coming from holy shit. This is all of /r/stupidpol.

These are all the same people that call Mommy a traitor for spending all her time spending money to get right wing democrats elected in red districts, instead of sending blue haired tranny marxists to country bumpkins.

why do you subject yourself to this

i enjoy people screaming at each other angrily

hell yea

"Looks like it's going to be another night on the Snorlax for me, wife brought home another man and isn't letting me watch this time."

I mean just looking at this effeminate guy in that curled up position, and then seeing his punk/butch ass wife, I already feel like I know everything I need to know about their "open marriage". I feel like I can be almost certain that he'd be perfectly happy in a monogamous relationship, and she's just a whore that's been railed so many times her brain is incapable of monogamy. He just listens to everything she says, and she can convince him of things even she doesn't believe because she's either more intelligent or better spoken.


  1. Reasonable gay Marxist Vaush angril... -,

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E-celeb shit is fucking retarded, imagine looking up to an unemployed retard for your political views

Then again I do love how this guy screamed at the coach red pill guy for 40 minutes and had a meltdown afterwards. Fun stream

Does anyone else find ecelebs genuinley unwatchable? I havent been able to sit through a fat manchild youtube debate livestream since highschool, it digusts me

“Bernie did more than Frederick Douglass did” fucking yikes