What propaganda? Where would they hear it? Because they hear the exact opposite from: every TV station, all of Hollywood, the entire education system from kindergarten to postgraduate, all large political parties in the Western world, every tech platform bar none, and any other established entity. Hearing the truth from shitposters on extremely fringe internet forums, in the face of full-spectrum brainwashing from birth, does in fact make one more of a free thinker.
1 AutoModerator 2020-04-17
What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...
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3 SnapshillBot 2020-04-17
What propaganda? Where would they hear it? Because they hear the exact opposite from: every TV station, all of Hollywood, the entire education system from kindergarten to postgraduate, all large political parties in the Western world, every tech platform bar none, and any other established entity. Hearing the truth from shitposters on extremely fringe internet forums, in the face of full-spectrum brainwashing from birth, does in fact make one more of a free thinker.
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2 pandeyji_ka_ladka 2020-04-17
And just admire this brown chadπππ
And this for my haters
1 jolina_fis 2020-04-17
Damn, nigga has pretty defined features, looks surreal lol
2 pandeyji_ka_ladka 2020-04-17
How can this 'thing' compete
1 jolina_fis 2020-04-17
the other street shitter is based so he is more attractive to whores
1 LetsGetSQ_uirre_Ly 2020-04-17
the amount of engagement on that tweet
1 ThrowAway4CoronaDayz 2020-04-17
He is so right. Why would you ever say N*igger or even type it in. Fucking degenerate fags.
1 HormelCoffee3 2020-04-17
Indians have the nigger word pass.
1 GURBOchad 2020-04-17
They are just as black as africans, but in an ugly tone
1 HormelCoffee3 2020-04-17
Shut up mayo
1 schrodingers_cumbox 2020-04-17
1 HodorLePortePorte 2020-04-17
If nobody said that word for a generation then it would eventually go away
1 ThrowAway4CoronaDayz 2020-04-17
If everyone stopped getting so upset about a word it would also go away.
2 HodorLePortePorte 2020-04-17
Ok incel_
2 ThrowAway4CoronaDayz 2020-04-17
OMG! I'm so offended now. How could you use words that are so offensive.