Mayo foid shares science project about black "culture" and Twitter loses it

22  2020-04-17 by donaldslabia


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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80 I.Q crew is big mad as per usual lmao.

Nobody involved in that video and the Twitter comments has a IQ over 80.

yeah but they look like someone who has an iq over 80 so...that's the same thing right?

Peak blacc fragility

Post to r/fragileblackredditor

Those zoomers are actually retarded for posting that

Might even say they didn't make good choices. 🀣

If you’re going to be racist and film it, you best come correct with high quality production value.

Imagine caring about this, but ignoring all the hardships jews have to endure by our antisemitic society πŸ™„


what does 110 mean? is this like a 55/13 thing?


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its how many gf's i have


109 nations expelled gods chosen. Make that usa. 110

ahhh i see! thank you

TikTok is Chinese, so they'll see no problem with that.

I am only offended at the level of mental retardation that must be required to post something like this on the internet with your name and face attached to it

Gotta hide your face if you make something this spicy IN CURRENT YEAR!

Kinda funny that even her high school made a public shitpost about "muh serious consequences" in response to this. Never made sense to me why a school can punish you for shit you do from home on your own time.

Gotta hide your face if you make something this spicy IN CURRENT YEAR!

The KKK figured it out like 10 years ago at least. And they're not the sharpest spoons.

They appropriated DeuxChad headwear.

My daddy wudnt deeh cuhs de wait man teik away muh great great great great great great great great grandpappi wen we wuz sleivs n daz why my dad lef me

See that was funnier than that awful tiktok, and that wasn't even that funny.

I really want to know the thought process that 1) made them think this had comedic value 2) post their faces to tiktok doing this.

make good choices... oh

post video

yeah so I found this on a kpop sub about how the kpoppers are rising up on this. what a time to be alive.

said it before, but being banned from twitter was a blessing from god

Maybe twitter is just that much worse than reddit because women aren't inherently anonymous

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  1. Mayo foid shares science project ab... -,

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if youre too dumb to not just send these videos over snapchat or your riot server you don’t really deserve a college admission

it's not even funny holy shit. i mean they could literally unironically want to murder me for being a groid but at least if it had comedic value i'd laugh. I don't even care about normal "i hate nigger" chimpouts but this tried so hard to be funny for NO payoff that it actually offended me holy shit. behold the master race

This is bottom of the barrel zoomer/tiktok "humor".

It's like they simultaneously put in too much effort and zero effort. I was expecting the water to at least actually turn black or something.

It was just a list of stereotypes, was waiting for a punchline tbh.

This is a female's idea of humor, seeing dudes roast each other and then just literally saying "you're ugly" trying to be funny not understanding why it doesn't constitute a joke. inb4 obvious reply

True, there's plenty of Instagram thots that made it big just doing that.

Exactly! I've seen videos and read things from people that are probably actually racist, anti-Semitic, just all around bigoted, but at least what they said was actually funny.

This was just awful, terrible set up, timing, delivery, there really wasn't even a joke it was just stereotype characteristics Being said in the blandest way possible, and what the fuck was that ending? Then to show your face and use your official account when you're trying to get into college, how retarded are they?

I may have an incredibly immature sense of humor, built on a foundation of irony, sarcasm, raunch, offensiveness and plain ole assholeness. But I still understand what makes a joke funny ffs.

Tl;dr: these mayos got what they fucking deserved!!!

it's shocking how thin skinned they are


I hope the text is still mildly legible when their mom has to hire a plumber to fish that sheet of paper out of the clogged up drain.

Not even good or funny racism boomer tiered πŸ˜’πŸ™„πŸ˜΄πŸ˜΄

Nah, racist boomers are still funnier than this.

True most pictures on r/boomershumor are hilarious as are the comments from humourless seething r*editors 🀭


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Reminded me of this one

Caused such a major spergout back then that even normie news was covering it

Foid ended up dropping out and going completely off the grid after that

okay this girl is not wrong. poor thing got ran off for speaking the truth! the only "racist" thing she really said was the ching chong bit, everything else was just observation.

Yup, just bad timing since everyone was sperging about the tsunami and Fukushima shit so the video blew up and started getting covered by all kinds of major youtubers and even normie news.

Anyway, this chick and the consequences she had to deal with for her shitpost is a perfect example of why you can't show your face when doing anything that can be considered racist or insensitive.

And this was back in 2011 when the SJW witch hunts had just started and were far less organized than now.