Foid Admits to Breaking the Law for Internet Points

4  2020-04-18 by Sampson623


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Girls who do porn -- but don't do anal-- are NOT "pornstars".

If you do porn and have have vanilla sex on camera for money, you're just a regular chick whose sex videos are on the internet.

I'm so sorry that I hold the title of "pornstar" to a modicum of professionalism.

If I predict the weather for the next week and upload it to YouTube that doesn't make me a fuckin' meteorologist.


  1. Foid Admits to Breaking the Law for... -,

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This is why bussy will be forever be superior

Wow, imagine finding out that a former friend that you cut off because they annoyed you started taking harsh medication for mental illness and immediately thinking "yikes, dodged a bullet there lol."

Evil person. Can't imagine why her ex thought she was affecting his mental health..

I don't get it. What law did she break?

Also, she makes a good point despite being a foid.

I always ghosted bitches if I found out they were crazy. I don't want to hear a bitch complain everyday.

It would have been immediately obvious that the email wasn’t to her. Reading someone’s (e) mail without their consent is at the most, a felony and at the least a misdemeanor.


Call me when it's at least sevond degree murder

We have a mutual friend (which is my best friend, biggest pickmeisha ever)

Totally normal and well adjusted people over there. That's a perfectly normal opinion to have of your best friend.

Then again, it's a foid, so that really is perfectly normal for them.

And that her best friend kept in contact with her ex makes you wonder how crazy he really was🤔🤭

Foids, not even once