Dont know what flair i have to use

1  2020-04-18 by librepensador93


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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I wonder if these people are aware that the only public opinion shift that comes from them appearing anywhere at all is a slight increase in favorability towards eugenics.


  1. Dont know what flair i have to use -,

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This is disgusting. Imagine being a majestic lion and then you get compared to a nigger.

The true victim here 😰

prayforlionsnotniggers 😥😥

Kangz of da jungle 👑🐒

Based country.

What does cringe mean anymore

This is disgusting. How much for the photo on the far left?

Original Recipe Kangs get more of it, but white Vikangs and Asiakangs from nearby countries are considered lesser too.

But pointing out how a huge number of Mainland Chinese are nationalistic and xenophobic like that, is pretty much the lowest form of racism imaginable, since you're criticizing your betters.

👏 Do 👏 Better 👏 Be 👏 Better 👏 Gweilo

And then they all ate a live bat

I understand jigaboos will kind of feel insulted, but as long as the chingchongs don't confuse you with a bat or a pangolin at least you're safe.