Wholesome 🥰

1  2020-04-18 by Abnobaa


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Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


  1. Wholesome 🥰 - archive.org, archive.today

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dude bussy lmao



Because Stalin was totes cool with the queers.

Authright here, while you are right, a lot of tankies would give the example of lenin who decriminalized homosexuality, citing that what people do with their lover is no business of the state

When my country was communist homosexuality was rewarded with 1 to 5 years in jail based laws

Sad that it isnt communist anymore then

If the state is the people as it is in communism then it is their business because what others do effects you too.

I believe lenin thought that the dictatorship of the proletariats meant that there would be an active ruling class to instill class consciousness into people, so it doesnt really matter if two consenting adults engage in coitus, please also note that I have only read the state and revolution once when i was in college so my knowledge on lenin is a little dusty

Saying Lenin decriminalised homosexuality is misleading as he abolished most laws in order to create a new legal system. He didn’t oppose criminalising homosexuality.

You are right, lenin decriminalized all the majority of the brutal tsarist regime that preceded him, but you are standing too close to the elephant, I believe lenin cited something saying that it wasnt the state's business to monitor or regulate the sexual preferences of the individual, therefore he actively chose not to decriminalize homosexuality I apologize for the ignorance of my original comment

Virgin judeo Bolshevik vs the Chad Stalinist

When did communism go from the proletariat rising up to literal gay and degenerate shit.

Idk exactly, but I heard some people that it all started with that faggot philosopher Michel Foucault

Based and baguette-pilled

Correlation with low iq and mental illness mixed with some naivety and autism

So, Reddit?

Yep redditors

That is just in America, commies here get criticized by social democrats for not being progressive enough.

(((someone))) invented identity politics to stop all the proper left wing policies

When they took over the establishment and realized it was working for them.

Not everyone in a political group has the same idea about everything. But you said nigger so have an upvote.

What libright thing to say 🙄

r/keanubeingawesome 😍😍😍

Holy shit I thought a sub like that would have like 1000 subs and be ironic but nope holy shit what a cringe fest.

I boycott Burger King and Oreo and I aggressively support Chick-Fila-A.

based and chikin-pilled

...and then he edited his comment to say nigger!

Funniest shit I've ever seen 😂😂


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You guys wanna buy hormones? They taste good. Here, have some red and yellow lights.

True though