PewDiePie lost a future subscriber

44  2020-04-18 by White_ppl_GO2HELL


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Im a pewdiecel

This wouldn't have happened if Comrade Stalin was running things.


  1. PewDiePie lost a future subscriber -,

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Let πŸ’…queensπŸ‘‘πŸ‘ΈπŸ’ƒ kill πŸ”ͺ babies πŸ‘ΆπŸ‘Ό bigot 🀬🀬

Only rapists get mad when a flesh light aborts "his baby".

ITS NOT KILLING BABIES THEYRE JUST CELLERINOS!!!!! Wait, Jamal, what are you doing with that knife? No Jamal I’m not just cellerinos I’m a woma-JAMAL NOOO

Plot 10/10

Based Jamal


Why is that bant? Why are Reddit admins pro domestic abuse?

I could see it being either an MDEvasion sub about killing nogs to prevent domestic abuse or a leftwithsharpedge evasion sub about killing pigs to prevent domestic abuse.

Agenda posting smh

this but unironically

TBF, if those babies were gonna grow up to be - Allah forgive me - zoomers, then killing them while they're just a clump of cells is probably the most ethical course of action.

pewdiepie did what?

No new children =no new Pewdiepie subs


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Killed a baby

When he said that


Did pewdiepie kill a baby or something


Post video link?

YouTube took it down after like 15 minutes. I personally didn't see it but heard about it from someone on another sub

Oh, alright, when you people say that it's unethical to stop a future life from ever happening it's okay because you're against abortions and you have half a nation's worth of rightoids on your side, but when I take that idea to it's logical conclusion and say that foids should be forced into breeding as soon as they have their first period so that none of their eggs go to waste I'm "crazy" and "not allowed to be within 300 yards of children".

Your not wrong


Neither are you

Women's liberation and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race

Okay non hackers can't handle "women's liberation". So what, she wants to let the air in, couldn't give a fuck.

Allowing women to vote is the worst decision humanity has ever made.

The moment the egg is fertilized, a unique organism is created. It may not be conscious or look like a human at all, but it is a member of our species and it is alive.

So the fetus isn't a "future life", it is a life.

It's not the same as an egg or a sperm cell. I physically cringe whenever I see some shitlib say "mAsTuRbAtIoN iS gEnOcIdE".

This isn't my daily dose of dude bussy lamo, get out of here

Yeah but her pussy shoots out fertilized eggs all the time. What's the difference when she shoots it out in a doctor's office? This "all life is sacred" line from Concucks is total hypocrisy. They wouldn't bat an eyelash when it comes to dropping explosives on a towel head, or strapping someone to an electric chair. Nahhhhh they don't give a fuck about life, they just want their rape babies to live.

It's conservafaggotry, probably from a mayo who doesn't realize that pruning unwanted pregnancies is a net benefit to his race.

Rightoid suggestions for the advancement of mayos would put their nations back into Africa/India tier shitholes.

Rightoid suggestions for the advancement of mayos would put their nations back into Africa/India tier shitholes.

It always amazes me how they don't see this. They don't realize the reason that west dominants is because we're secular. Societies always do better when they kick baby factory religion to the curb.

So the people dropping bombs on middle-eastern children worked out that killing babies is wrong before you did, doesn't make them wrong

It makes them "wrong" because it makes them hypocrites, you know the one thing Jesus hates.

Same again, then: some religious hypocrites worked out killing babies was wrong before you did, doesn't make them wrong.

Abortion is right and good and should be done often.

depends on what race it is TBH

True, wh*te foids should be at the top of the list.

foid isn't a race retard

Lol I don't care, abort the fuckin things anyways

Mayos are

So the fetus isn't a "future life", it is a life.

I disagree.

Mmm eggs 🀀

I agree that a lot of eggs go waste sadly. But an egg is an egg and a sperm is a sperm. It only become a human when the two meets.


Yo those fetal feet tho. Tryna munch those lil piggies fr

Just a cluster of cells

instead of aborting babies why not just use them to farm Trump bux fucking dumbasses

who the fuck cares about little faggot babies just crush them up and eat them to absorb their lifepower lmao dumbasses

funny how halting the entire world economy to stop us from getting coronavirus is acceptable and "stay home" is somehow an inspiring hmotto, but if you dare tell teenagers to abstain as a way to avoid getting pregnant or having STDs it's seen as some bizarre fringe idea that shouldn't even be considered or attempted at all because "le teenagers are going to have sex regardless!"

That's a consequence of sexual abstinence being associated with the smug preachy christfags and fingerwagging moralists that we all eventually got tired of - while this quarantine thing was handled practically and no-nonsense.

No horseshit about how crowds and shaking hands is degenerate, and God sent the plague for spending decades socializing without consequences etc. - which is all a good indicator of how we should handle the post-antibiotics crisis: throw the rightoids down the well or get them to stfu some other way, they'll just ruin everything otherwise.

And of course the quarantine is only for a few months so that makes it easier to accept as well.

so you're saying the way society educates their youth and prepares them for life is shaped by the desire to stick it to christians even if that means hurting their own?

shallom fellow white ;^)

In part, yes - and swings the other way as well.

so you're saying the way society educates their youth and prepares them for life is shaped by the desire to stick it to christians even if that means hurting their own?

Yes. Deal with it freak

Shitting on the street and throwing at people should be legal, I’m just going to do it anyway

pewdiepie the baby squisher

Post to trollx, they love abortions.

Everyone knows the correct answer to this question is "what race is it?"

Didn't consider that these women are killing zoomers. πŸ™ˆ