“Stay. The Fuck. Home.”

62  2020-04-18 by contentedserf


I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.

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Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to r/Drama tomorrow.


  1. “Stay. The Fuck. Home.” - archive.org, archive.today

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No. I don't think I will.


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If you accompanied this with the Captain America meme redditors would actually listen

Reading the lockdown skeptics sub I can't help but feel sympathy for the people struggling because of this recession. At the same time, with an effective fatality rate of 6% it would kill hundreds of millions of people if left unchecked.

Talk to me when we hit real numbers, like 80%


Pfft we can barely maintain 41% in a tiny portion of the population

At the same time, with an effective fatality rate of 6%

That is complete and utter horseshit. Even for people over 80 the mortality rate is just 20% for the entire population its less than 1%

2.3m cases, 157k dead = 0.0682 deaths per case. How else would you arrive at the mortality rate?

lmao thats only the ones that have been tested. Almost every country on earth prioritizes testing people in need of hospital care there are vast amounts of people with less symptoms that just stay home and arent tested and a like huge amount of asymptomatic carriers.

The true CFR will become clear in time, but right now it's pretty obvious that this thing has an ungodly high R0 and can overwhelm any medical system if left unchecked. Whine about lockdowns what you want, but nobody wants to see an Italy/New York situation developing in their town.

Italy regularly even struggles with hospital capacities in flu seasons. America has a shitty healthcare system aimed at profit which never was optimised to run at emergency capacities. Its not the Kung flu, its not the R0, its the absolute state our healthcare systems are in.

Yup exactly. It's why the numbers people are tossing around are absolutely idiotic. No one believes America has only 700k people with covid - just that many with access/need for testing

Testing is very limited at the moment. We're still restricting it to essential workers that show symptoms or people showing systems and going to the hospital.

Also you need to add unknown cases into the equation. A stanford study suggests 50-83 times more people are infected than we know. That drops the mortality rate down quite a bit


oh wait, different hoax..

Based chink flu

It never began for the immunosupprescels

Who cares, Amerimutts deserve it tbh 😂

The real rate of infected is 50-83 times higher than reported according to a stanford study. It's not gonna kill millions, its not even more dangerous than a flu.

Dying of chink lung to own the libs

Das rite

Not dying from it because of a superior immune system* 😎😎

Not dying from it because the ICU is 99% old, fat, asthmatics with high blood pressure.





Being the average redditer hiding inside watching harry potter forever because the chinese virus is super scary and your years of eating like garbage and never working out have left you supremely vulnerable



from fatties and fugees

Michigan used to be a really beautiful state.

Let’s not go too far

Give me liberty AND give me death


Theres no way the holocough killed that many people.

I don't even know why, can't put my finger on it, but holy shit I fucking hate people that type like this so much

Maybe because it’s simultaneously condescending, vulgar, and self-important. As if the blue checkmark has any authority to tell others what to do.

It’s narcissistic social signaling. Even if he must be as loud and crass as possible, the bluecheck has to get everyone to understand that he is virtuous and on the right side of history.

They’re the “i fucking love science” crew

>Seething at punctuation and capitalization

Stay. The Fuck. Home.

Flairless Mongs OUT


Noooo you need a heckin’ flairerino!!!

make me

If I every get the Kung flu I will find every /r/politics user I can find and sneeze in their mouth

Went to Red Robins earlier and had a great burger like wtf is quarantine

If you eat at Red Robin you should be quarantined for Hep A

extra pink

Every. Single. Time.

this is right up there with the people saying fuck cancer. Both crowds deserve some nice 7-62s

If you’re obese you should go lick as many doorknobs and public toilets as you can I heard it boosts your immune system

yeah naw m8. i'll do my best to avoid people but if your immune system is that shitty that's not my problem. survival of the fittest baby!!!

also, same people that say this shit also hate boomers. and guess where the mortality rate is the highest

The funniest shit with this pandemic is when I go outside, it's not the young healthy who I see sitting on benches which have near to no risk of dieing, no its the old boomers which we supposedly protect with all this, sitting outside with their boomer friends as if they're immortal.

yeah exactly dude. they're probably the ones buying all the tp cuz they're the ones always shitting their pants from their shitty diet


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