UK simps rejoice over the abolition of the tampon tax, only to be BTFO’d by tankies

43  2020-04-18 by NlGGABOD_CRANE


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Sorry, I didn't mean to offend. I simply meant a broader product category than "tampons" alone.


I never thought about it that way - thank you - I shall change the signs at work

I can't believe how much of a "polite" pushovers UKucks are. I hope Brexit destroys their economy, Boris completely fucks their healthcare and turns them into a police state, before finally pajeets take over the island as punishment for what England did to India 🇮🇳.

Inshallah 🙏🙏

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  1. UK simps rejoice over the abolition... -,

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Women are children. Tampons are cheap.

Good morning

Tampons are cheap, but I guess it's good for the women in the lower income group, also i am repulsed by the profile pic in the first tweet 🤢

They’re unsanitary for 5 days. That better?

I hate britbongs more than I hate women. And boy do I hate women.

Women are not dirty for 5 days a month, they are dirty for 31 days a month mashallah

I was literally about to post this

Great minds think alike, my fellow deuxchad 😎

Some men don’t think we are dirty enough.


wtf is with that guy's haircut

Wouldn't need tampons if she were constantly pregnant.

As a man, I am physically bigger. Therefore, food should be VAT free, and so should toilet paper. For men only, of course.

Am I supposed to be receiving Soros Razors or something? Who do I talk to to get this sorted out?

Dirty? Yeah, they're bloody and stinky and gross every month. No need to lie about it

His ancestors must be proud of him!

heh, "transition" "period"


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