These losers jannies get paid to clean it up, can you imagine the type of insufferable, bottom feeding piece of human garbage you'd have to be to do it for FREE?

33  2020-04-18 by SwansonsJohnson


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  1. These losers jannies get paid to cl... -,

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Imagine how many hilarious shitposts they've seen but being obese lesbian cat ladies they found them triggering

Not that many, we’re talking Facebook here. Most shit they ban it’s probably boomer racism and shit like that

Apparently a lot of them have to stop working because they read too many ebil not see posts and start to agree with them

Im sure its lame shit like jordan peterstein, but its still funny

I despise work of any kind but if I can be paid for looking at shitposts all day I'd consider it.

Save the best ones then remove them.

Why is there never a presidential candidate that shares my seething, unending hatred of the obese. I'd gladly live under a dictatorship if it meant all these fat fucks would be put in work camps until they stopped being disgusting eyesores and stopped spilling their filthy fat rolls over the armrest into my seat. I wish companies would just dissolve meth into 2 liter soda bottles so these fuckers would be forced to lose weight.


Because America is so fat barely anyone would be left after the obecitycide

Just remember these fucks die at 40 from their clogged up arteries