Intense coping begins in the subreddit of cope when a problematic meme is too accurate for redditors 😢

12  2020-04-18 by valuq


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Jews did this


  1. Intense coping begins in the subred... -,

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Someone uttered the forbidden fact

Does that mean that (((they))) were most oppressed since they were enslaved by the black egyptians?

Holy shit that thread is gold.

Nah, the real gold is here

You do know that most of Europe remained a conglomerate of uncivilized barbarian tribes while in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, actual civilizations existed right? Literally the only reason that Europe developed faster than many places is that the Roman Empire was so dominant.


I swear everyone who is invested in politics is a science denier.

"The only reason Europe developed faster than these civilized places is because it was civilized"


This might work for is n*rthern Europeans but not everywhere else

There were blacks in ancient egypt and they had important jobs

Me on the second from the right

Cool, Can you tie your shoes standing straight?

Anybody who says this has never seen a North African person

That sub has some funny memes.

Racism edgy isnt funny if it has any semblance of truth. Its literally pouring salt in a wound.

There doesn't seem to be any comments discrediting this

There was this great chapter in “born a crime”. Trevor Noah talks about how in apartheid South Africa the Japanese were considered white and the Chinese black. Racist cops would scream at a Japanese person for using some whites-only thing. They would then apologize profusely for thinking they were Chinese ergo not-white.


I love his bit where he explains his white dad wants basically nothing to do with him

Well, not really a bit. He just explains his dad is literally repulsed by him

Weird how racists will suddenly count Jewish people as white when talking about scientific achievements

lol, and yet this absolute brainded morons still believe Trump and his base are literal Nazis.

btw, I guess I'm a honorary whiteoid by burger standards, someone posted the census form and I literally didn't see a "Hispanic" option. Someone please correct me if this is wrong though.

Castizos and up are honorary

Cant hang out together hough, gotta bleach you out a bit more for another 5 generations

How about they invented almost every religion