The Chinese are absolutely based.
9 2020-04-18 by brodudebrodude123
Imagine literally unleashing a plague on the world because you were experimenting with biological weapons after being told not to for decades. Imagine then blaming that on a bat and people buying it.
Imagine you’re plague completely ruins Western society and has hundreds of millions of cucked American people absolutely terrified for their lives. Imagine that plague completely destroys the economic livelihood of millions of innocent people in another country and permanently the way they are forced to carry on social interactions.
Imagine completely destroying the sense of safety that most Americans had over the course of months.
Imagine you end up making your enemy look completely incompetent and stupid in the handling of a situation that you created, and turn a once respected country into an absolute laughing stock.
Imagine using the current situation as an absolute distraction of you colonizing a city that the entire West was trying to “keep free” just months ago.
Imagine knowing that you’re going to get away with all of this and face absolutely no consequences for your actions whatsoever.
Imagine jerking off to all the impotent anger of scared and upset American kids on the internet who hit you with lame insults and copypastas while their families begin filing for bankruptcy.
Unbelievably based.
1 AutoModerator 2020-04-18
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2 SnapshillBot 2020-04-18
I wonder if these people are aware that the only public opinion shift that comes from them appearing anywhere at all is a slight increase in favorability towards eugenics.
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1 HodorLePortePorte 2020-04-18
1 MikeStoklasa-cel 2020-04-18
1 massive_fckwit 2020-04-18
1 FloatyFish 2020-04-18
This is the most amazing pandemic ever for multiple reasons:
1 ClementineChime 2020-04-18
Dude, Imagine 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
1 Chapose 2020-04-18
While all of this is true you forgot that the chinese also fucked themself with it and thus look just as retarded as the rest.
1 Own3rsInc 2020-04-18
No where near as hard though
1 constantinople_2053 2020-04-18
Lol, they just hide the numbers. Even if it's not the very top-level national government, do you think any governor or mayor is going to risk his city/perfect being turned into another Wuhan with people's doors being welded shut? Nah, they're not even gonna test for the 'rona, and blame the deaths on the flue. Better alternative than having your entire city Tiananmen'd
2 Own3rsInc 2020-04-18
Oh I know, but if no one can prove otherwise does it matter how many of them are dead? They're basically indistinguishable from each other anyway. So if their govt says only 5000 died and everyone there falls for it, that's the truth then. This isn't like Nanking where we have based Japs to tell us how many chinks they nixed
1 Tardigrade_Sex_Party 2020-04-18
It's possible, but it's more likely that this may have been part of a gain of function project.
Or just something from the wild that they were working on at the time.
Killing of off the old, fat and disabled, in greater proportions than the young and healthy is what pretty much all infections do. That's why they're always telling olds to get their flu shots every year.
This one is a fair bit more virulent, so we're seeing more of that. But it's not really something I'd call a weapon specifically.
It is much more likely to be an accident, escaped into the wild; exacerbated by the Chinese government not wanting to look weak, and trying to minimize the situation at first.
Admitting that this was the result of glorious Chinese science making an error, is not something they'll do easily, or at all.
Not just Western society. Places like South Africa and Brazil have been bent over and rawdogged hard.
Like, literally the entire world and the economy of those countries have been fucked over, thanks to China wanting to flex it's dick and playing with things they probably should be leaving alone for now.
1 Did_I_Read_This 2020-04-18
1 massive_fckwit 2020-04-18
mate, you know that none of us know what this phrase means so quit being a dickhead
1 departmente_de_based 2020-04-18
And they've used this as an excuse to not let blacks in certain places