they do it for free

4  2020-04-19 by Iwanttobefree27


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So basically i had a boner and had to hide it and i put the dick like up towards my stomach i was wearing a hoodie and a tshirt and if someone lifted it they would see it . I got this feeling that some shit would happen so i put my dick back down and like 20 seconds later a guy pulled up my shirt and hoodie as a joke and yeah my dick wasnt there


  1. they do it for free -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Guys, wish lawlz good luck on this!

Mods are unpaid. This is a volunteer role.

🤔 but why do it for free? 🤔 surely youd want some kind of compensation for cleaning up other peoples messes? 🤔

Why do they do it for free

Because they have no other meaningful things in their life. Being a mod is the only sense of pride and accomplishment they'll get