There's a maymay sub for teenage troids and foids and its hilarious.

1  2020-04-19 by HitlerSayTransRights


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Found by getting lost in an autistic teenage tranny's post history, of course.

Why would you do that to yourself?

It's funny. I still like reading I'm gonna sweet slide posts.

He’s a highly principled libertarian committed to the cause.

Of course, merely an innocent discovery. nothing to see here

I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. There's a maymay sub for teenage tr... -,*

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same tbh, can't even call my lane partner gangsta lucian my negroid

r/teenagers but with flavor 😘

They have some good ideas though; You could be walking around all day sniffin’ titty

Why does it taste like pizza 😳

Anyone who clicks this link goes directly to prison

As long as I get a big rapey black dude for a cellmate, rather than one of these guys or a dramatard who self identifies as an abiogender MAP.

One the first things i find is a tranny, how suprising

Then after that a self harming 14 year old

What the fuck


Big brain when you cut yourself 🤪 Kinda quirky doe 😳 ..🥺 👉👈 Spare some coochie?

I just stalked their profile all r/madeofstyrofoam never saw that sub before atleast they’re self aware.

I am toilet paper roll

Despite making up...

Interesting fact : did you know like suicide , that self harm cases skyrocketed once it became commonly and discussed . This is a shared disorder . Troidism shows every symptom of being the same.

You got any studies or stuff that backs up? Sounds interesting if you got any articles on it. I've heard about people self-harming just for the sake of it which is fucked Is one I remember from college all these years later and there's been more instances since of similar events. Also just for you to observe the string of school shootings in the late 90s that were occuring what seemed weekly. Why does this happen? Because they see the attention and sympathy ( not the mass shootings I'm just using that as an example of ideas spreading like cutting) so they crave the same . The other case studies I'll have to look up in my old text books .

Here's a recent example of the spread of suicide

Here is what might be the first documented case

That one where Chinese (or was it Japanese?) people freak out when they visit France is another interesting one.

What's the subscriber overlap with menslib?

Teenage angst the sub....

Also there is no doubt that a 40 year old """"woman"""" running these subs.

Injecting trollx humor as young as they can

LMAO there’s so many suicidal foids and troids in that subreddit that lasting another day without killing themselves is an achievement.

Yes of course, im sure that sub is most definitely filled with teenagers, all of whom are female. no AHS users in sight I hope.

ive never seen a black troid that wasnt just a punk or gay when i think about it

One of my hobbies is casual sex with transwomen and I live next to the Bronx so they’re usually black

You’d be surprised at how many of them there are. They also tend to be tops wayyyyyyy more than the mayos and I can confirm that the bbc is real

surely those are just punks who like to top

I mean they’ve typically had multiple surgeries (tits, face, ass) and are or were on hormones so that would be quite a bit of effort

youre making me want to go the Bronx😍

More like sub for 40 year olds to groom gullible 13 year olds

Look at the flairs. Like more than half the posts are fucking trannies

We live in dark times. Wrong side won ww2


I feel bad for kids growing up on today's internet

I don’t think there’s a mentally stable person on that sub.

Literally every post is about self-harming, having an eating disorder, or passing as a troid.

Also the number of 14-year old girls taking about how we need to legalize sex work is....alarming, to say the least.

Also the number of 14-year old girls taking about how we need to legalize sex work is....alarming, to say the least.

Yes... """"14 year olds""""... definitely not groomer pedos...

At least reddit makes sure inappropriate content, such as rightoid evasion sub #57319228, gets taken down

"meme" sub

Shocker. The sub for teen girls is overtaken by 50 year old mtf troids


It's just old troids