Redditors shower user with $600 in awards and laugh at the idiot rightoid's silly "freedom protest", after user hacks into the mainframe to expose Russian astroturfing and mind-control

1  2020-04-19 by GameUpBoyHustleHardr


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This better not awaken anything in me.


  1. Redditors shower user with $600 in ... -,

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redditors are so Goddamn stupid, its exhausting.

based Russia protecting America's freedoms. If I were a conspiracy theorist I'd say the muh Russia shit is a gay op so people don't notice a certain tribe in the middle East doing everything they claim Russia is doing on steroids

I believe russia interferes as much as possible. Remember when they scheduled the blm and gun rights protests at the same area in texas, or something like that.

Problem with that theory is Russias economy is weak. If Americans are so retarded to be subverted by drunks on windows 98, they deserve it.

Also, China is the threat, not Russian, not Israel.

The majority of Americans are so incredibly retarded that it requires minimal investment to interfere with millions of people's political "thoughts"

Rightoid retards and Lefty retarded screaming at each other on the internet (for free); turning the rest of the country off of the political process in the meantime. If this was an intelligence operation it was the greatest in history. However, it's more likely that Americans are simply just that dumb.

Tune down the rightoid retard rhetoric.

The only thing I do t see is why it has to be vodka-cels behind it. There are more than enough retarded burger conspiracy theorists, that some of them would mass-form groups like that for different states is pretty much what you would expect. And I'm not even dis-believing that krokiloids try to subvert western democracies, but in this case I dont see why its them and not burgertards.

As a burger, I'm offended by the notion that this is somehow a vodka-cel plot. We're quite good at being autistic with our conspiracy theories, no need for outside interference. Exhibit A: JFK conspiracy theories.

Nigga you know there was a second shooter right? They only released it recently because of a certain Bush's connection to CIA networks.

There is literally 0 Russian connection here, it’s hilarious. Hell it’s just as likely that making that post so popular is a Russian psyop itself.

This is just like the /r/trashy nazi Bernie bro post all over again lol.

Some people are willing to die for the economy 🙏🏼🇺🇸

I myself would be personally curious as to why someone in Florida is registering domains claiming to be gun rights organizations in other states.

What a supergalactic cluster brain take. They act like nobody in the history of the United States has ever lived in one state, and then registered a domain for a group in another state. These Redditors would probably be shook to their core to realize that this happens all the fucking time, and then find a way to blame it on Citizens United.

Everyone knows that Russian trolls can only register stuff in Florida.

Guys, there's this business near me, but it's registered in Delaware, how are the ruskies involved?

Joe Biden, is that you?

Listen here,Jack.

Guys we can figure out who did the Boston marathon bombing by looking at photos!

"You don’t just get to decide when a virus is done. Yes, unemployment is skyrocketing. More and more Marylanders are living in poverty because of the shutdowns.

That doesn’t mean you can just protest your way out of it!"

This reads like one of those virgin vs Chad memes.

How many boomers have to die for you to stop complaining about wanting your job back?

All of them.

Based Thanos

There is an imperial ton of astroturfing going on

is given 367 awards

Yeah there is a lot of fakery going on on Reddit, but it’s mostly not from Russia

So wait, am I crazy or is this entire post paragraphs of meaningless proxy information interspersed with "we don't know for sure but this is obviously the Russians because you don't know any different #resist"

Redditors are seeing what appears to be FUTURISTIC COMPUTER CODE and assuming they've stumbled upon proof that Trump is hacking the planet

Dude fucking did like four whois requests and thinks it's proof of some grand conspiracy.

I'm confused where you retards are getting Russia being blamed out of that.

Yup! And I'm pretty sure I have 2 Russians trolling and harassing me currently. They follow me around on Reddit and call me a dumb bitch when I say something bad about Trump. It's annoying sure, but the bigger problem is what really bothers me.

This is some schizo shit lmao

Lefties will be all for freedom and unions and anti government and shit and the moment there is a slight security concern they will start snitching on their neighbours to the government for protesting lmao

admins and some mods now have the ability to issue mass awards to particularly leftist posts. that's exactly why it happened.

reddit is just a leftard echo chamber. it's why they thought bernie was going to win, while in reality, bernie did even worse against a pedo fogie with dementia than bernie did against hilldawg.