You honestly sound like you need to be removed from society. I mean come on dude, like 20 people have given you the logical thoughts on this. Are you really THAT fucking stupid? Or is this an ego thing? You aren’t replying to any comment that actually contests you, you’re just trying to throw your thoughts on other people.
As if they could afford anything. They hate taxes because they think that without them, their minimum wage would allow them to afford mansions and heroin.
3 LetsGetSQ_uirre_Ly 2020-04-19
top right and bottom left should be an anime character
1 AutoModerator 2020-04-19
Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?
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1 SnapshillBot 2020-04-19
You honestly sound like you need to be removed from society. I mean come on dude, like 20 people have given you the logical thoughts on this. Are you really THAT fucking stupid? Or is this an ego thing? You aren’t replying to any comment that actually contests you, you’re just trying to throw your thoughts on other people.
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1 White_ppl_GO2HELL 2020-04-19
Most likely yes
1 EasedArmadillo 2020-04-19
Snappy with those spicy takes on furfags.
Snappy dictatorship when?
1 blargmaster4000 2020-04-19
Ancap should have mcnuke
3 UnalignedRando 2020-04-19
As if they could afford anything. They hate taxes because they think that without them, their minimum wage would allow them to afford mansions and heroin.
1 Lt_Dan13 2020-04-19
Libertarians think they’re all millionaires down on their luck
2 UnalignedRando 2020-04-19
They're wannabe african warlords, but fat, and with no charisma.
2 SlowFatHusky 2020-04-19
Can't afford those, so we stick to basic AR-15s. Lib left should be a shit covered dildo.
2 ESSE_Leviathan 2020-04-19
Not every libleft is a subhuman, punks were cool as fuck
1 ProEvilOperations 2020-04-19
keyword: WERE
1 ToonamiWasted 2020-04-19
Now this is a cleansing I can get behind 😍😍😍😍😍
1 AutoModerator 2020-04-19
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1 GermanShepherdAMA 2020-04-19
Lib left furry is the hottest 🥵🥵🥵
1 Qwikskoupa69 2020-04-19
This is implying that centrists are furries and I am deeply offended by that