This destroys the MDEfugee 🥖

1  2020-04-19 by QuadNarca


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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Rightoids BTFO 🔥


I'll make sure to keep myself save, thank you for your worry.

STOP 👏 BEING 👏 A 👏 WOMAN 👏 they are yucky gross🤢🤢🤮🤮 real chads just like bussy (lmao)

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  1. This destroys the MDEfugee 🥖 -,

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Snappy I thought you're on my side 😢

Me waiting for a quadnarca post that isn't about how mad he makes rightoids 😴😴😴😴

Sorry, I'm addicted to making them mad, all the downvotes they give on my posts just gives my brain dopamine hits, and it feels so good I can't stop. But I promise I'll do something new next time.


At least he beats the guy who just constantly does cuck posting, lol.

hope these traps see this bro...

maybe they'll even let you be the top next time

Wish they let me top. Fingers crossed. 🤞

Its not gay if youre topping king.

not wanting to get topped by a qt trans

doing it wrong

(50% upvoted)


I can and I will

Its gettibg old sweety, yawn!

Wait there are actually trans people here 😂

trans deuxchads are the most based deuxchads.

How can you be based if you live in a land of make believe?

Biden will eliminate the tranoids

There's zero chance that Biden even understands what troons are

just show him a teenage version, he'll make laws against it immediately

He will after he sniffs a couple.

The gaycels beg to differ there troomer

based on what?


You will always be an anime girl

anime girls are cute so it's fine

yea it was meant to be supportive. no bigots allowed


Ok groomer

thank you

They’re also not real girls, so it fits.

Despite making up 0.01% of this subs userbase you account for 100% of the trannyposting.


Is there really a big wave of MDEfugees here? I see them talked about all the time, but this mass exodus never seems to have manifested.



Quality OC wojak 👌

I just recolored doomer girl, and given her a hat and a baguette, so not that OC, but thanks.

They need to go back.

"WAAAAHH MDEFUGEES" Fuck off back to arrdrama where you coping troids belong.

The tyranny menace must be culled, by my hand or Allahs

Don’t worry, they’re doing that one themselves.

At least MDEfugees can shit post, all this nigga does is talk about being trans. Boring

haha MDE fugees are a mnority here haha this sub is r/Drama ofshoot it will never be liike MDE hah you have no powere here amirite fellow Dramacels

9 upvotes, 46 comments


Looks like MDEfugees found their new home



Te ki a fasz vagy? Én az amerikaikat trollkodom it.
