Make this thread a Facebook mom chat

1  2020-04-19 by michael12655


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. maintenance in this time of sheltering at home?

So...I'm going to need to get a root touch up product. I'm reading good things about Madison Reed but am wondering how I'd even know how to select a color. I've yet to be on the site so there's probably advice there but I'm interested in hearing from those who have experience with touching up their roots at home. Any products that are particularly good? And any tips for someone who's never done it before?

And, as long as I'm asking, any other maintenance tips or beauty regimens you're adopting during isolation? I noticed someone mentioned they were getting their feet ready for sandals using stridex pads--who knew?

I cleaned out my bathroom cabinets and found some crest white strips. Now seems like a good time to spend time on things I've neglected thus far.

Would love to hear any tips for hair or anything else people are trying during these long days at home.

Sharon , tis is Elsie hope you are all in good health god bless

Wear mayonnaise socks to bed to make your feet soft and supple!



my dastardly plans foiled by a real life "victim of jews" vikangz n shiet

do u like nascar? do u like dale earnhardt? do u like dale earnhardt junior? do u like oxycontin?

do u like oxycontin?

Do you have some?

My husband left me because I kept cheating on him. When will men stop being so toxic?!

Shut up, centrist bitch

dat just happened! :D EDIT 1: my breath stinks so bad today i haven't brushed my teeth yet

Vaccines are gay

They’re pushed by globalist Zionist class who promote racial mixing... learn THE TRUTH here.

All my son does is masturbate to cat women on his internet laptop, I tried to address the issue by asking him if he needed help getting a girlfriend, he went on a rampage about ambushes or traps and that he's not gay.

Sent from my Ipad.

Worst thing about quarantine... no more girls night! Guess I can still down a bottle of wine at home though.... L.O.L πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire

I should have aborted my 17 year old who has Down syndrome. He’s always talking about some forum with these angry D-cells? Any advice on performing a retroactive abortion?

Congratulations! I do not often downvote. You have earned mine.


  1. Make this thread a Facebook mom cha... -,

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why doesn't my husband want me anymore?

Desmond, the amazing, has taken his heart


Unironically bacterial vaginosis. Also you got fat. But mostly dude bussy lmao.

couldn’t sleep last night... Aiden kept crying in his bed so he had to sleep with mom and dad. i can’t wait for him to sleep in his own bed, hes 15 and just browses reddit all day

Hey hon have you tried putting essential oils on his pillow?


Maybe putting it underneath his pillow would work? My husband has started feeding him benadryl with his bedtime chocolate milk

We do ketamine in a PB&J 🌻🌻

I can't wait to take my kids to drag queen story hour, Desmond is so brave.

Single moms need love too

Dating site for married women over 40

My son says he's been working on creating a computer game. He's apparently coding some sort of "yanda-ray simulator" if I heard him correct. It's kept him busy for the past six years, and I'm glad he's finally gotten himself some sort of job. My husband goes into his room to check up on his coding periodically.

I have to go now girls, he just came to tell me he wants chicken nuggets for dinner tonight. Anything for my boy😊

I just want a cute boy to suck on my tits~ ara ara

I need a German Shepard
