This kills the troid

1  2020-04-19 by googleussliberty


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Men LARPing as women LARPing as witches?? How deep does this go?

Oh, no. That sub is 100% woman.

Old perverted men LARPing as allies to men LARPing as women LARPing as witches

actual lesbians

not actual lesbians

What did they mean by this?

Uh oh 😂



Its just pedos all the way down isn’t it.

Mental health experts could probably study this thread. Congratulations patso. In a sub about autism full of autists you manage to be the most severely autistic. This is truly mind-boggling. What's stranger is that you can't even slightly see how insane you are. You genuinely have some sort of mental disability to continue to engage.

You're fat too. But you also can't see that. Reverse body dysmorphia on top of the autism and of course retardation.


  1. This kills the troid -,

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Some call it overlap.

Others rightfully call it stalking.

It’s fucking wild how pedos are everywhere on the internet and all you have to do is know where to look

Something is seriously wrong with Zoomers.

There's nothing wrong with zoomers it's (((society))) that's causing this

When I was a teen the Internet was much smaller but there was still a bunch of weirdo faggots on places like deviant art. I think it’s always been this way in some regards.

How much longer till we get the "mods are actually 45 year old troons grooming teenage boys" post?

Gay and lesbian subs will ban you for being underage if you try posting there but transgender subs like r/eggirl encourage underage people to join their grooming ops to convince underage kids that are already confused about themselves that they might be trans

Nothing worse than Groomer Humor

Gay and lesbian subs will ban you for being underage

Oh damn, didn't think they have morals

Egg_irl is a gigantic pedophile ring and when people stop being retarded I'll be telling them that I told them so until the end of time itself

Anyone under 30 should not be allowed in the internet.

What site is this

I can’t believe it went from being men pretending to be girls on the internet for attention to men pretending to be girls on the internet for attention.

ask teen boys



I knew they were trannies no humor