Is it just a coincidence that r/childfree users have parent issues?

1  2020-04-20 by ElectricalBrick6


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Looking over the whole list, it's not surprising to me. Crazy feminist cat ladies with mommy issues who hate children. Also, further down there is knitting and the Exvangelical subreddits (FundieSnark, exchristian, DuggarSnark). Interesting.

I wonder if these people are aware that the only public opinion shift that comes from them appearing anywhere at all is a slight increase in favorability towards eugenics.


  1. Is it just a coincidence that r/chi... -,

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"witchesvspatriarchy", looooooooooooooool

I Think every sub in the reddit foid-sphere has that among the top 5 related subs. Really puts the kind of """woman""" (Male as well as real) that visits subs related to their sex into perspective.

Crazy how the most normal women on this sub are on gonewild

I dont think women actually want to overthrow the patriarchy, just complain about it. So instead of taking actions that might be successful, they position themselves into this hermoine larping role so they never have to confront the actual truths involved.

A real Sherlock Holmes over here.

The biggest piece of proof is what women find attractive. It’s like they want their great-great(x24)-granddaughters to be homunculi that fit in chads hands.

Kind of like anglerfish but with the sexes reversed.


Am I wrong?

Do you think it makes any sense to consider the “choosey sex” victims of sexual dimorphism?

I can't hear you, I can't bend down that far

All females are hardwired to want 6+ dudes. A Chads height is like an 🦌 antlers, proof of his health and alpha status in securing food

Especially to grab food on the top shelf at the supermarket. Shits rough for manlets

Witches vs patriarchy is 90% troids that wear choker necklaces pushed to their tensile limit

Childfree by "choice" I bet


Cats don't count

Shit I knew that was gonna be there when I read the title

Making 👏 fun 👏 of 👏 children's women's 👏 hobbies 👏 is 👏 misogyny 👏


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Why do so many narcissists talk about their shitty personality as "fleas" and blame their shitty parents for raising a shitty child?

They lack self awareness and blame others for their problems why else would they be on reddit complaining 🤔

not enough heckin pupper subs

Most of those subs listed are anger chambers where unhappy people get together and agree to hate on something.

Imagine being mad someone has a family lmao

r/childfree is the snarkiest, most narcissistic sub on Reddit. Seriously it's a hive of narcissism, cope, and seethe.

They're unironically fucked in the head. A bunch of psychos seething over children


Based childfreecel keeping himself out of the gene pool

You just posted cringe bro.

Most of those subs listed are anger chambers where unhappy people get together and agree to hate on something.

So basically every default sub?

I can't even recall the last time I stepped in the lunatic asylum called /r/all

I just chill in the smaller subs

Daddy issues, not wanting to have kids, and cats. Sounds like your average reddit foid.

Bpd and ecstasy

conceited with low self-esteem

that all sounds pretty ok to me

Now now come on who downvoted this, we do need all those for mayocide be realistic.

If anything, it’s good that they won’t have children, because everyone knows children of abusers become abusers themselves

Frankly I don't see the issue with this. It seems obvious that abused kids would have an aversion to becoming parents themselves.

Just going by genetics, retarded people who hate kids will give rise to retarded people who hate kids

Not surprising

Raised by """"narcissists"""" = my parents didn't let me be a manchild/whore



LOL, is not like they were gonna get dick anyway