It greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but destabilized society, made life unfulfilling, subjected human beings to indignities, led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and inflicted severe damage on the natural world.
imagination: white lab coat, using detached rational analysis to arrive to conclusion diverging from global public health consensus
reality: white skin covered in track marks, blindly regurgitating talking points from NASCAR-American president and NASCAR media without ever bothering to check and verify the "science" that they purportedly cite, or blatantly cherry picking data that (you think) backs up your feelings, 3 doses of Narcan in arm's reach at all times for safety.
dont worry, regular H deliveries will resume soon enough.
In the meantime, maybe you could try out meth as a substitute, you can even cook it yourself; make some money to make up for getting fired from Walmart.
1 AutoModerator 2020-04-20
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9 amanrobbedofhisdrama 2020-04-20
Just heard that the government can do things, that's fucked up
6 Jannieseatdoodoo 2020-04-20
Just found out about laws... damn that shit sucks man
6 Msmit71 2020-04-20
Just found out about the industrial revolution and its consequences...
2 _reason_biden_lost_ 2020-04-20
oh yeah? how did the human race fare?
3 Msmit71 2020-04-20
It greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but destabilized society, made life unfulfilling, subjected human beings to indignities, led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and inflicted severe damage on the natural world.
Shit sucks man.
1 demotecontrol 2020-04-20
Words words words words words words words
6 GhostOfTito 2020-04-20
imagination: white lab coat, using detached rational analysis to arrive to conclusion diverging from global public health consensus
reality: white skin covered in track marks, blindly regurgitating talking points from NASCAR-American president and NASCAR media without ever bothering to check and verify the "science" that they purportedly cite, or blatantly cherry picking data that (you think) backs up your feelings, 3 doses of Narcan in arm's reach at all times for safety.
4 morethanjustasloth 2020-04-20
I can't tell which side you're talking about because all mayos are the same.
3 GhostOfTito 2020-04-20
it's a shame when ghetto nigger thugs just can't say no to drugs, and have to overdose all over the place
3 constantinople_2053 2020-04-20
Mayos mad 🤭
dont worry, regular H deliveries will resume soon enough.
In the meantime, maybe you could try out meth as a substitute, you can even cook it yourself; make some money to make up for getting fired from Walmart.
3 GhostOfTito 2020-04-20
the mayos are the ones refusing to make the choice to say no moron
2 FloatyFish 2020-04-20
It’s fenatyl American thank you very much 😤😤😤
5 Contourboar 2020-04-20
Lol increasing poverty to own the rightoids.
3 SnapshillBot 2020-04-20
Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
3 jannieseatmyass 2020-04-20
6 6foot4hyperborean 2020-04-20
over for bushcels
4 Bardfinnsstalker 2020-04-20
He's playing Mr T in the upcoming a-team on ice
2 wizdumb337 2020-04-20
He has a B.A. in Baracus.
3 CampingPlayer 2020-04-20
haha funeral home go brrr
0 knuckledowntown 2020-04-20
If not then are you okay with everyone walking around spreading the 'rona like the mutt arrogant douches they are? Burgers are so entitled.
1 sh1tpo5ta 2020-04-20
nothing wrong with more dead burgers tbqhwyf