upcoming finance drama part 2: state cash reserves

1  2020-04-20 by InterestedVoter2k16

If there's anything that faggots on this forum like to do, the most common is tk parrot others opinions because said opinions were created by "scientists" and other "qualified professionals". That sounds real smart until you work day to day with said persons, and realize they are as dumb as the average idiot.

In the event that states do not reopen and jobless claims continue to rise, without a gov bailout you will see states run out of money. Primary candidates are NY and CA. In the event those states don't pay bondholders, bondholders can go after staye property. Taxes will probably rise in the event another bailout isnt reached.

tl:dr unemployment rate is killing cash reserves for states, w/o bailout bondholders can claim state property (dependent on state laws), property taxes will raise and people will be mad.


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Yes Minecraft is symbolic in many ways with The book of Revelation in the Bible and is preparing Us for the End-times war. Whether you want to believe it or not the facts are undeniable and the similarities are tantamount to the fact this game was divinely created through the hand spiritually. The Creator of this game goes by the name of Notch and in Jewish Gematria that equals = 201 and Roman in Jewish Gematria also equals = 201 same goes for with Apollo and what does that mean, you tell me.


  1. upcoming finance drama part 2: stat... - archive.org, archive.today

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Even if they do get an initial bailout, they’ll still whine as to how they don’t have enough money for the pension funds, and then places like NJ, IL, and KY will be bailed out.