Take the Chinapill, Deuxcel

1  2020-04-20 by JohnDickCockerfeller


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Wow, so typical of cumskins to take a w*ki article out of context to besmirch the golden race. Face it, its a Chinese century and soon we will be preparing Boy Egg with your wife's son's urine.

my wifes son is a hapa lmao

Don’t you people need rhino dick to get hard lmao

No, it's dessicated tortoise shell, dolphin mucus, or panda bile. If you want to stop having pathetic vanilla sex with your hamplanet wife take the traditional Chinese medicine pill

Why does all TCM smell like shit

Cause it sometimes literally is

Imagine not just using the rhino's dick

Struggling tbh

If the mods didn't want it in their thread, they could say that or just delete my posts. At this point you're just being childish, reaching desperately for some way to be right when you're so very wrong. You can keep trying, but you've failed to make any progress thus far and won't unless you change your tactics. Repeatedly attacking my "reading comprehension" is just another sign you have no purpose here other than to try and offend me, which makes sense given what you're defending but won't actually get you anywhere, particularly when you're so wrong. Are you going to keep digging yourself into a deeper hole, or do you want to quit now?


  1. Take the Chinapill, Deuxcel - archive.org, archive.today

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r e t v r n t o t r a d i t i o n

The chongs just can't stop

At least those ones aren't eating bats.

Only because they can't get bat.

If there is one place I like to buy my bats, it’s from a guy in a hazmat suit

does have to be peasant piss? what about the noble piss? not good enough for yah?

nobles boys in china aren't virgins

Do the chinks realize how disgusting they are

China has a beautiful history. They are a strong people and they didn’t get conquered by illiterate steppe people 4 times and then cucked by the UK and then Japan at all.

Judging by the name "virgin boy egg", they could use the piss of AZNidentitycels by the age of 30, too.