I'm in on this only as long as we remain radically centrist and shit on anti-coomers too. 'Cause, think about it, if you need to live 24/7 with coomers living rent free in your head, it's because deep down you know that's the only way you'll keep your rabbit brain from fulfilling its destiny and turning you into one. It's basically an incel vs inceltears situation.
1 AutoModerator 2020-04-21
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2 CanadianAsshole1 2020-04-21
got the original meme from here: https://www.reddit.com/r/DeuxRAMA/comments/fplzxp/love_the_bussy_but_dont_respect_the_bussy/
1 SnapshillBot 2020-04-21
Y'all can't behave.
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1 alexicov 2020-04-21
I don't respect my cumsock either
1 dDpNh 2020-04-21
I respect my cumsock. At least it can stand up straight and admit it’s a disgusting mess that’s filled with some losers cum.
1 UsernameUnavailableY 2020-04-21
Your cum sock can talk!?
1 Goddd-Howard 2020-04-21
We shouldn’t respect coomers either 💅🏿💯
1 32624647 2020-04-21
I'm in on this only as long as we remain radically centrist and shit on anti-coomers too. 'Cause, think about it, if you need to live 24/7 with coomers living rent free in your head, it's because deep down you know that's the only way you'll keep your rabbit brain from fulfilling its destiny and turning you into one. It's basically an incel vs inceltears situation.
1 Goddd-Howard 2020-04-21
Fair enough, but I wouldn’t compare it to IT vs incels
1 Jac1nto 2020-04-21
Imagine going to college for a psychology education instead of just reading random redpills
1 32624647 2020-04-21
To be fair, people who do the latter probably have a brighter financial future than most psychologists.
1 mothbrainz 2020-04-21
The "rent free" meme is from the same people who talk about "tea" on twitter
1 endestir 2020-04-21
Cooming is based as long as you don’t pay for it
1 CanadianAsshole1 2020-04-21
1 _-ctrl-_ 2020-04-21
Virgin being scared of your penis vs chad cooming
2 TheInternetSucksNow 2020-04-21
1 Vheysel 2020-04-21
Ew why would anyone watch that?
1 Schr1mpy 2020-04-21
I would never respect a Jew, let alone a Jewish pornographer.