don't forget who 85M people died for

1  2020-04-21 by AnotherClosetAtheist


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😴🙄 That's bc one religion was right and the other was wrong dumbass

praise the holy virgin aisha bint abu bakr

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  1. don't forget who 85M people died fo... -,

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Seeing as the US didn't even start WW2, I'm going to say that the war didn't happen because they wanted to stop an ethnostate...


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they didn't even know who to choose sides with in WWI, and only made the decision based around Russia's exit and Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare declaration

WWII was easier with the Japs and Krauts declaring war for us -- if the US really cared about the Germans creating an ethnostate, they would have been more proactive in 1933


lmao they were raiding mountains in Nepal to find mythic blood

I mean so were the catholics except not nepal

Nice try but no. Isreal is neither a strictly religious, nor a strictly "ethno" state. In fact, Israel is by far the most secular country in the Middle East, with 42% of all Israeli Jews being secular. Also, more than a fifth of the country are Arabs, with many being non-Jews as well. The Law of Return is aimed at Jews whose ancestors were kicked out of their own home, and who were being discriminated against and oppressed for millennia; the law simply provides shelter to these people, but that it no way means that Israel is hostile to other ethnicities or religions in their country. Israel is a modern, relatively secular state, instead of a medieval oppressive slaughterhouse that the media portrays it as and that many ignorant people perceive it to be.

huehue gaza strip go brrrrrr