There are only 2 paths on Reddit dot com

1  2020-04-21 by Airi_Anne


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Looks like I'm a tranny

the duality of man

Ah yes, the Dichotomy of the Incel

There's also the Jokerpill option to laugh at the catastrophy of your life/the world and the absurdity of it all. Always take the clownpill.

"Looks like it's going to be another night on the Snorlax for me, wife brought home another man and isn't letting me watch this time."

I mean just looking at this effeminate guy in that curled up position, and then seeing his punk/butch ass wife, I already feel like I know everything I need to know about their "open marriage". I feel like I can be almost certain that he'd be perfectly happy in a monogamous relationship, and she's just a whore that's been railed so many times her brain is incapable of monogamy. He just listens to everything she says, and she can convince him of things even she doesn't believe because she's either more intelligent or better spoken.


  1. There are only 2 paths on Reddit do... -,

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Implying that you can't be both.

Like OP


No, thats anticenterism


Radical centrist path 😎🔥

Camp out at the crossroads and show bussy to unwitting travelers.

yuor’e going to walk into the sign dummy

smh my head at centrists lmao

Kids who grew up hollering the n-word on Xbox live are white supremacists now. Kids who grew up playing Nintendo are trans now. That's god's honest truth

Damn that’s the blackpill right there

What about kids who played ps1

He is worse than a gamer… he is, may Allah forgive me for uttering this word, a normie

Ay yo this nigga be hating on my ps1 😂😂

PS1 was the shit!

PC g*mers are split between joining the 42% and the Aut Right

I grew up playing Nintendo, and I'm a white supremacist. What does this mean???

It means you like to fuck trans kids.

What if I grow up playing flash games on school computers.

School shooter

This is way too accurate for my liking, but you’re not wrong. What about kids with Playstations?

just regular gay niggas

I played cod in ps3 and also said the n word.

They are just faggots.

They are the "enlightened centrists" the progressives complain about.

PlayStation masterrace.


Jokes aside Xbox folks have more fun.

Bc we hate women and minorities for $60 a year.

Not all heros wear capes. Deus Sieg Vult Heil!

Thanks to PC gaming you can do it for free

xbox :(

Woo hoo Playstation Chads rise up!

No, we are communists. I was radicalized by RDR2.

Disgusting weebs

Isnt that just also trannys?

PlayStation users want to be with anime girls, Nintendo users want to become anime girls

Their perfect for eachother, im so proud of them

What about them? Ps3 had no games lel

future child molesters

Yeah Nazis tend to fuck kids.

Oh fuck this is way too accurate.

Where did you steal it from? No Deuxcel is this smart, all we do is piss and shit all over Reddit to add on extra work to janitorial staff's existing pile.

So glad I grew up doing this instead of this.


I'm one of God's Children, P.C master race.

There are like 30 times as many White supremacists as trans and like the majority or millennials had Nintendos

>grew up playing nintendo and hollering the n-word on TF2

what does this mean?

white supremacist tranny, duh, page transgirltradwife for instructions

Nazi femboy

Same, we need answers

Trappy will never die

I use Stadia... what does that mean?

I'll just lean on the wooden sign then.

The dichotomy of autism.

When you remove things like "friends" and "real life" and literally grow up online, you can see how it gets like this.

Seriously if you start going outdoors, having fun with friends and working on your hobbies you forget about all of this.

When you stop hanging out with online gremlins you realise how retarded it all is

day of the unplugged tubes when?

Not now, unfortunately. Everyone’s so afraid of 🦇😷the US has gone 100% weeb in 4 weeks

Sadly the degenerates who get into this stuff tend to be like 14 and it basically fries their brains by the time they grow up, i.e. basically everyone who went to those cringe alt-right rallies a few years ago

The two paths, mental illness or mental illness

why not both

This is literally 4chan

and by definition the rest of the internet because brigades only go out, they never go in

duexchads take the middleduex chads take the middle path

Nice meme friend.

Me crawling to the americas. jajaja que risa me dio


You are shadowbanned

The forked road of autism

I’ll take the nigga path, thank you very much



Me on the far right.


become retarded/become racist

Lol OP suspended

Shadowbanned actually. If OP was b& the user page would say so, they also did this to one of Whitney Wisconsin's alts

Rape children, or know the truth

the truth

groom children, and then rape them?

I just do what the dog whistles tell me to do

Nazpol gang report In 😎😎😎😎


there’s definitely a simp mediocrity option on the reddit dot com.

  1. Become a socialist Muslim

No I like pork......wait a minute.....

niggas be two-tracking this shit

Reject this false dichotomy

Raisin' my fingers to critics

Raisin' my head to the sky, Big, I did it, multi before I die

No lie, just know I chose my own fate

I drove by the fork in the road and went straight 😎😎


I think I took the right choice

Switch the backgrounds

Many actual become trannies first and then transition to white supremacists. The tranny to Nazi pipeline is real and active.

me on the right

I pick both

me falling off the edge on the far right

A castle full of helium. I like it.

The answer is YES!


That doesn't work for me. A: I like my penis. B: I'm not a child molester so I can't be a white supremacist.