The good old days

2  2020-04-21 by MikeStoklasa-cel


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Boomer and zoomer are funny but depressed doomer is awful


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Doomers (especially the accelerationists) do not deserve human rights


Nigga I know you're not a doomer

I hide it well but yeah we're totally fucked and we deserve it.

No we don't. I didn't do shit

I mean humanity. Look at our collective response to coronavirus, which isn't even some black plague shit. It's a total fucking shitshow. Could you imagine if it was some airborne Ebola shit with the same asymptomatic phase? We would be fucked.

Climate change shit is still getting worse and worse and with the global dimming effect gone from the temporary collapse in national and international shipping, etc, we're on track for our hottest year yet.

All this shit will drive much more immigration, which is a whole other shitshow on every side.

Do I think humanity is going to go extinct sometime in the next hundred years? Probably not. Do I think we're in for some rough fucking years ahead? You bet your ass I do.

And we'll have no one to blame but ourselves.

TL;DR The industrial revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race

Ah you're a Ted-cel I see

Yes indeed.



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Goddamn autojannie just stomp on my corpse why don't you

It is a self insert ā€œjokeā€ for lonely faggots

Lol Iā€™ve met people like this, in real life. They truly never measure up in anything they do. They canā€™t maintain eye contact, they donā€™t ever really accomplish anything, this is his only outlet because heā€™s too spineless, weak, and awkward to do anything else. He goes from sub to sub crying about some kind of criminal high fantasy as if anyone would ever notice him in real life. Someoneā€™s probably bullying him as we speak lmao.


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Me on the right

For real tho This is wojack shit is so gay and everyoneā€™s gonna pretend they didnt fuck with it in two weeks

The cursed wojak is pretty good. The rest can go.

Wojak is a template, itā€™ll be around for a while as new memes spin off from it. Zoomer/ ā€œx go brrrrrā€ memes hopefully die off quick though.

O rly owl was the best meme CMV

Nope! Chuck Testa.

gooby pls