17  2020-04-21 by meurglys90


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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better option is to allow those third world socialist governments to implode on their own

Weird, why do the glow-in-the-darks never give them the opportunity? 🤔


Third world governments do a good enough job destabilizing themselves, so the "Spooky CIA" wouldn't ever get involved. The CIA is boring, they create reports on what other governments are doing and comment how it could affect the USA. The current CIA is for spies is a fairytale pushed by the entertainment industry.

Yes and no. It's not 'muh CIA' so much as it is the combined State Department and other parts of the gobmint apparatus. No one thinks the CIA is James Bonding latino chapos, it's more about spreading that US green around and making the commies cope with both having money and dealing with their garbage ideology that abhors money

I mean is it really overthrowing if the country's populace decides on their own that communism is bad? The state department and larger government apparatus is pretty friendly. I think people have this crazy notion that they can see and do everything, which they don't.

is it really overthrowing if the country's populace decides on their own that communism is bad?

In as much its the US choosing gomunizm or gabidalizm when all sides are funded by greatest ally and associates

Sure you didnt "force" anything but its pretty dishonest to pretend the scales werent tipped

I'd prever to think of the CIA as being like investors; they choose to fund who they think are going to win anyways to try to get on their good side.

Sure if theyre like some tiny contributor. Tens/hundreds of millions and maybe some weapons?....

We only put the hand on the scale if the people ask us to, and then its only financial assistance to those who need it. Generaly done anonymously, as corrupt leaders would like to steal it or kill thrm.

Is this from our pov or from greatest ally?

greatest ally? FVEY?

Basically the same thing tbh


implying CIA does more than giving resources to the opposition

Real niggas join NATO to slaughter Serbians

do you prefer immigrants, because that’s how you get immigrants.

yeah ever since we overthrew Jacobo Árbenz the US has just been overflowing with Guatemalan immigrants fleeing their civil war

oh wait, that's right we told them to suck shit and left 200k of them for dead. mmmmmm cheap bananas are tasty.

yeah ever since we overthrew Jacobo Árbenz

literally who

He said we couldn’t have any more bananas so we called him a communist and faked a naval invasion until he resigned out of fear.

This isn’t even a larp.

Yes, it was definitely all about bananas. You look at US foreign policy in 1954 and it all revolved around one thing and that was bananas.

What else am I supposed to use to dilate my bussy?

The Dulles Brothers: “𝖄𝖊𝖘”

he didn't take the bananapill yet

"Muh complex analysis based on real socioeconomical factors/geopolitics" cuck detected 🚨

He said we couldn’t have any more bananas

Can you blame them? Prior to the dog-pill, there was the latino pool-boy. Hell hath no fury like a mayo foid scorned.

yes. white women need to fuck something other than dogs

Why wouldn't they still choose the best option, which is also their best friend?

Like Antonio Brown said, “No More White Women 2020”

White W*men Extinction 2020


r/wholesome r/mademesmile

Antonio Brown has to have some serious brain damage after that hit he took.

Na it made his brain bigger

third world immigrants' pit bulls lookin like a snack

leftoids and rightoids cower before this bulletproof logic


What how fast white women would become anti-immigration if there was a crisis in Asia and the country was flooded with 20 year old Asian females.

Saved, so I can read this everyday

dont know which is less surprising

male feminist is a sexual deviant


male feminist looks like he never hit puberty



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tfw im from the 3rd world 😢

Did it ever even begin for you?

It’s more fun in the third world



Imagine thinking thats better

The only way to beat the coronavirus is to bomb every country.

Based and glowpilled

This is just a stupid left-wing meme.

The CIA/Five Eyes are generally too incompetent to actually control world governments like that. For every successful military coup in the Latin American world that the CIA was involved in, there are 10 nations that they tried it in and failed violently and horribly (Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela etc.) Sure they funded right-wing paramilitaries in these groups and got lots of people killed, but they never really got rid of the guys they wanted to.

Even the coups that they were involved in, they were involved in a lot less than soshylists think they were (biggest example is Chile).

Which begs the question – if the CIA was manufacturing these social upheavals whole cloth using their evil American powers, why was their success rate so inconsistent?

The reality is, the Latin American world is prone to political instability because of inherent economic and ethnic population differences, esp. because of the whole Castizo/Mulatto split. Basically imagine that the US was 50% Anglo, 50% black, except also imagine that black people were native to the US and the economic disparity between whites and blacks were 10x as high as they already are. Wouldn't that social structure be way more prone to constant revolutions and political upheavals? And that's most of the Latin world for you.

The nature of the CIA is less "you choose whether or not certain governments get overthrown!!"" and more "you try to find nations prone to social upheaval and fund the guys you think are going to win anyways to get on their good side".

If you actually think they don't endorse it, you're a dumbass. Third world countries serve to produce drugs to rich Americans and buy guns from said Americans.

Everyone gets the government they deserve.

This whole thread glows