You can tell dramat*rds are crypto-seriousposting leftoids because they write completely illegible paragraphs of SAT words-of-the-day

3  2020-04-21 by A_Disgruntled_Mule


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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who still prescribes to dialectical materialism even though it disregards the complexity of several situations of the human condition in favor of simplistic dichotomies

wtf does this even mean am i retard?

prescribes to

absolute fucking retard

I meant subscribe and I got fucked over by my own thesaurus wielding pseudo-intellectual babble.

i'm not sure if i prescribe to that story, dramoid. but as deuxchads we must remember to practice temperance and compassion in dealing with our lessers, so i forgive you

Thank you master. Do I need to put the cock cage on now?

It's time for your dick flattening, actually

Thy will be done

Serves you right.

I am a bigger retard but it meant “people who follow Marx’s way of analyzing things even though it doesn’t pay attention to how complex people are and tries to make everything this thing and that thing”

smh he should have just said Marxism is retarded and we would have gotten it 😑

Well I was responding to someone else speaking in academia babble and was in a serious posting mood, so sue me

so sue me

Don't tempt me

You got confused by entry level pseudo-babble, you think you could take my tepid intellectual alacrity in a court of law?


Written in the same language as my blog that’s metasatirical of neoreactionaries such as Mencius Moldbug and Nick Land.

I know right I read this after coming in from a run and I thought I was just low on oxygen in my brain but I cannot fucking understand it.

This dramoid needs to create a 7 hour long Youtube critique video with advertised Patreon.

No youre socially adjusted enough to realize that use of a uncommon words to describe something alienates most of the people in the world and the ones who do understand it about 3/4 s find it to be utterly pretentious faggotry. When ever someone uses the " I use big words so listen to me" bullshit tactic it immediatly disqualifies them to me having any real life experiences and are either very sheltered or have a tiny circle of people they know.

np link

You have to go newfag

too lazy to erase two letters

Sorry honey I'm trying not to get best drama b& 🙄💅

Lmao. Yeah I'm sure r/Drama (where posting np gets you an autoban btw) is going to be the thing that gets Deux shut down and not the 13 year old MDEfugees posting unfunny nigger memes all day.

only posts in stupidpol, drama, and deuxrama

HAHAHA go back to your leftoid circlejerks, niggerfaggot

You forgot Zwei, 4chan and classified. I'm a proud radical centrist, faggotnigger

While i do enjoy the use of a hard r combined with faggotry, you got rekt m8

How is that? He has no banter. He immediately combed through my drama account comments because he's completely out of ideas right from the get go. You retards don't even know what radical centrism is. You think anyone not spamming 13/50 over a spongebob meme is some kind of leftist. This account was banned from all the leftist subs (save stupidpol) long, long ago. I like racist humor on one condition, that it's actually funny.

You faggots are just eternally butthurt about niggers because your mom was cheating on your dad when she was pregnant with you so you got pounded in the head by an endless parade of BBC when you were still in the womb.

Ey mayne stop takin bout the black salami, we knows you is projectin ya love of black king cock, whyboi

Ayo nigga we all know the dark meat reigns supreme. If u wuz getting yo baby brains tapped by yo daddy's little white pecker you wouldn't have ended up so retarded g.

you faggots are eternally butthurt

You wrote 2 paragraphs to a guy who admits hes a troll in his username... why the fuck do people keep falling for it when i literally spell it out for them?

bbc fucked your mom

I doubt it given im not black or white

Lmao you don't have any banter either. It's all trolls here dipshit. Why do you think you're trolling? You aren't trolling anything.

Why do you need to be black or white for your mom to get railed by niggers

you dont have any banter either

Because im not trying to banter? You ahright m8?

you arent trolling

A quick shitpost gets an emotional response. Its a ancient art.

why do you need to be black or white for niggers to fuck your mom?

No nigs in my country but plenty of em in mayoland and apefrica

I'm not trying to banter

I'm just trying to explain to everyone how "I'm ToTaLLy nOt an idIOt i'M jUst tROlliNg!"

a ancient art.

An ancient art of pure unadulterated cope

in my country

Sorry I thought I was talking to someone who spoke fluent english. You're excused.

Someone sure is mad

Look at the state of drama, look what they did to my home. I spit on jannie graves.

/r/drama is functionally identical to /r/sissyhypno

Change my mind.

np link

ok incel

But yeah there has been an influx of seriousposters for awhile now

Ehh, it’s always leaned really far left they just don’t actively try to make normal people unwelcome like everywhere else. The 90% shoah was the only time really and as an MDEfugee I can honestly say the board was getting out of hand - without forcibly keeping themselves out of the limelight that way they’d be banned for sure.

I love her dredging up drama from yesteryear but snally has been a hyperleftoid seriousposter nonstop for almost a decade. Annarchist has been routinely having cornel-induced retard lefty meltdowns over wuflu in the Iowa sub for several months now. Before neoliberal broke him PK was one of the most prolific posters, and pizza would argue for literal days with people over the dumbest shit.

Thanks for the analysis

Yes Minecraft is symbolic in many ways with The book of Revelation in the Bible and is preparing Us for the End-times war. Whether you want to believe it or not the facts are undeniable and the similarities are tantamount to the fact this game was divinely created through the hand spiritually. The Creator of this game goes by the name of Notch and in Jewish Gematria that equals = 201 and Roman in Jewish Gematria also equals = 201 same goes for with Apollo and what does that mean, you tell me.


  1. You can tell dramat*rds are crypto-... -,

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>Expecting me to read that title