tfw you have to take a break making tiktoks bc your patients are dying 😭

4  2020-04-22 by ChapoDestroyer


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like someone here said: twice as arrogant as a doctor and half as useful

But scrubs the tv show taught me that nurses know more than doctors

Scrubs was about doctors.

That hot black Latin chick was a nurse.

I didn’t say it didn’t have nurses in it fuckwit. I said it was about doctors.

And the original guy didn't say Scrubs was about nurses, just that the nurses knew more than the doctors.

I don’t care. Fuck you


Congratulations. You have attempted to debase a portion of humanity that has dedicated their life to the health and well being of others, and then found entertainment in people who are disgusted by you. Won’t matter in 4 years when you off yourself because you life is void of any meaning and human connection. No one will attend your funeral.

Actually seething

A surprisingly beautiful and honest person

Actually seething and projecting



Snappy, get in here.

Stacy Latina Carla vs virgin mayo no ass-having Elliot

Still infinitely more useful than any abortion survivor on this subreddit

Dont you have a tictoc to make? Or maybe change some octogenarian's diaper?

You literally only post here and drama. Don’t you have some kiddie porn of 4 Chan to watch?

Excuse me, do you see /r/teenager or /r/puberty somewhere in my history? No, didnt think so.

Also, that you seem ignorant of what "alts" or "shitposting" are once again reinforces my belief that universal internet access and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Disaster one: people have to listen to this fuckin retard

No, disaster 1 is the industrial revolution and its consequences. Disaster 2 is the 19th amendment. Or maybe the other way around, depends on which came first.

Good morning I hate nurses

FRONTLINES you bigoted piece of sh*t


team deathwatch

lmao, soldiers are such losers. Usually failed at college, or could not get a real job, so they had no other choice but to join the biggest social benefit program of America: The US army. It is so cringey when people thank them for their service. It is just a job they get paid for.

-omg, do you see this nurse! She is such a hero. Like a SOLDIER fighting in the FRONTLINES defending humanity against this terrible virus! Thanks for your service, kind nurse!


Redditors hate military chads because they feel threatened by their masculinity, yet if a cute girl is in the military they bust out their soy face


Redditors hate military chads because they feel threatened by their masculinity

Proof that redditors know nothing about the military. Reality is they get a fat girlfriend (if any) that cheats on them while they are overseas.

Redditors are actually not that wrong with their edgy opinions about soldiers. The problem is that they talk in that icky "wholesome" way about nurses while being total edge lords about soldiers.

Can confirm

The worst thing about nurses is that they keep the weak and sick from dying, CMV.

I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check.


  1. tfw you have to take a break making... -,

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