Imagine having convictions LMFAOOOO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

1  2020-04-22 by MikeStoklasa-cel


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Is this saying that having complex mayo opinions is regressive, and that just trusting your based authoritarian communist government is the only way to be 🤔

Any form of gov will do tbh.

(((Government))) or government 🤔


Radical political apathy, the new radical centrism


Nigga Die

You're not a femboy, you're a sissy slut with a god complex, go back to your dildos and your fantasies you fat fuck, and leave me alone.


  1. Imagine having convictions LMFAOOOO... -,

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If you've taken anything on the internet seriously, you've already lost.

The internet is real life now. No more fun and you’ll lose your job if you do a bad meme online.

Don't dox yourself you retard

associating your real life identity with your online accounts