Pibbles does a heckin boop.

1  2020-04-22 by myNAMEjef420


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Fuckin got her. 10/10 breed of peace.

Actually chihuahuas are more aggressive than pibbles. If you think those little taco rats havenโ€™t done this stuff before but off camera then you are sorely mistaken.

Okay but I could fucken punt a chihuahua whereas if you tried to kick a pitbull youโ€™d lose your foot.

Just for the record: you were the idiot that started the serious posting. Serious posting:

I do not even agree that chihuahuas are worse. They bark a lot, but they don't bite. Albums if they bite, they just shortly snap into your trousers and key go within a second. They are not holding on until you kill them (which you easily could).

Bruv Iโ€™ll fookin punt your scrubby lil arse, sware on me mum.

Would you rather get attacked by a chihuahua sized pibble or a pibble sized chihuahua

That's why I kill both.

Shitbull cope

500 gram bimbo rat accessory == 30kg heckin pupper with 250+ pounds of bite strenght


Are you a fucking midget? You canโ€™t defend yourself from a chihuahua?


Based and midget pilled

do you also cry when 3 year olds kick your shins retard

It is times like these that we must ask is the reason that pibbles give more nibbles not purely due to Beagle privilege?

What was she expecting with the way she was dressed smdh. Pure haram.

I love animals and detest random acts of violence which is why I hate pibbles.

I'm the exact opposite so I love them. But far, far away from me.

I lold

Yeah, the wait was worth the payoff.

This, but unironically.


  1. Pibbles does a heckin boop. - archive.org, archive.today

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It's a dog with a dog brain. It sees everyone bullying the dumpy fat lady and having a blast doing it, so of course it wants to join in.

Dog brains are smart. Pibbles are alpha, they see people attacking a minority, they want to remove it from existence.

He a good boy, he dindu nuffin! That old bitch was scaring the doggo, it was self defense, he ain't even do nuffin

I would have done the same thing tbqh

White ๐Ÿ‘ women ๐Ÿ‘ fuck ๐Ÿ‘ dogs ๐Ÿ‘

This dog fucked the white woman though. The bootie is on the other paw.

Me on the right.

Me on the left

that poor dog was just following instinct, he thought the kids were attacking that old lady bc the old lady was screaming and the kids were all around her, if one dog starts a fight the other dogs want to fight as well. its a pack thing..Also the pooch could have been protecting the kids, thinking she was hurting them some how, i feel terrible for that lady tho. that must have hurt SUPER bad! I've been bitten by a pitbull on my hand from feeding, it hurt but i did not let him intimidate me. Even after being bitten, he repects me to this day.


Shut the fuck up mongoloid faggot

Lol 4 legged killing machine go brrrr

chihuahuas kill way more people than pitbulls but no one is prejudice to them..

Ah I see. You're trying to be a lolcow. Odd..not even really entertaining, just sad really. Why would you want to be a lolcow?

Sure that's a pitbull?

That poor pibble is just retaliating for the years of sexual abuse perpetrated by that white woman

God I fucking hate pitbulls, but god I fucking hate ma*os so much. What do fellow deuxcels?

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