DeuxStacies welcoming you to deuxdeuxrama

1  2020-04-22 by 4thebadbone


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I can’t help but feel like people like that have had abusive childhoods. It’s the social equivalent of smearing faeces on the walls. Intentionally doing things that are weird and unpleasant for everyone involved just to provoke (justified) negative attention.


  1. DeuxStacies welcoming you to deuxde... -,

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Well they don’t spread their feces on the wall, but...

actually in india gangrape is not considered abuse

India's rape rate is 6000% less than the USA you negro

Not everyone in my country can even read, but that's not a problem because the rape statistics are still just as accurate as any western country

Yes you can't judge us and our street shitting, we are poor and uneducated it's not fair of you

classic street shitter logic

Lmao why is this chimp talking back?

Go back to zoo you chimp


They are basically dark mayos, but poor.

Hideo Matsumoto (2009) concluded that populations in India and nearby regions are basically Caucasoid while some have a minor Mongoloid admixture. Similarly Iranian peoples in Central Asia, such as Tajiks in Uzbekistan and Tajiks of Xinjiang are basically Caucasoid with a minor Mongoloid admixture.[58]

Lmao, these is all anthropology shit. Anthropology is the journalism of the soft science, aka the worst. They first spend 200 years proofing how blacks are inferior, and now 50 years purifying how blacks and whites don't even exist. Don't quote their shit, nerd.

The only based way to group humans in races is by judging their pathetic quirks. And here Indians are basically mayos. I mean they started that yoga shit centuries before white women. And veganism, too. The list goes on. Therefore Indians are dark mayos. I don't care if some nerds also measured their skulls.


And they literally worship their bulls, as well!



We don't fuck dogs, that's their defining trait. Pls

North Indians fuck Muslims and that's worse.


We're dark Mayos and that's a good thing because it's the whiteness that makes mayo foids cringe.

Cope. Imagine being mayo, but having dark skin you are constantly insecure about.

lol, just kidding. I do have to imagine this. You do not even have to imagine. For you this is a reality.

populations in India and nearby regions are basically Caucasoid while some have a minor Mongoloid admixture.

Did this retard forget Dravidians exist

Did you follow the link then looked into the research papers to actually see if the Wikipedia janitors have correctly represented his work?

No. Sounds like the wiki jannies are retards then. Original comment still stands

Dravidians are Caucasian aswell.

No, they are descendants from africans that migrated to the subcontinent 10s of thousands of years ago

Dravidians are Caucasian, not australoid. Dravidians come from the Caucasians of Iran, and conquered the australoid hunter gatherers of India. The Australoids are the ones you're talking about it.

To be more specific, modern Dravidians are a mix of the people from the indus valley/southern Iran and the original australasian population from india. They are not at all caucasian

The guys that came from the Caucasus/central asia are the Aryans and came relatively recently and mixed with the dravidian population

Its just a clip of women talking? Why did you make me watch this OP?



Is that a Pajeet cure for coronavirus? Or are they trying to synchronized street shitting?

it’s a mating call

You'd think foids in India would try to be stealthier. From what I gather if they're seen in the open they get gang raped in the next 30 seconds.

Indian mo*ds can’t actually hear deuxchad mating sirens. I am a scientist and I have studied this ixtensively.

I would assume they either hear bird squawking like you, or no perceptible audio comes out of these stacy’s mouths to the pajeet ear

🤮🤮 logo had me on edge the entire time, was just waiting for some random drone strike or something to turn them all into curry mush and ruin my day