Redditors stumble across edgy memes for edgy teens. I piss in the popcorn

2  2020-04-22 by BruhMoment149


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u/deusexwarchina We can control it though, it's well known but not talked about that gays reproduce through pedophilia and sexual abuse. Trannies are just mentally ill people whose illness should be treated the same way we treat schizophrenia, by not playing along with their delusions. Get rid of pedos, and treat mental illness and I've just solved the alphabet question. Where do I pick up by Nobel prize?

Don’t ping, this sub will get banned

waste of a good lolcow ping tbh

As a gay faggot I would like to inform you, that you're not quite right about were we come from, You see when a daddy paedophile commits violent sodomy on a mommy paedophile, she then shits out a fabrisha egg covered in glitter, after 6 months of being cradled by a ripped man with an immaculately groomed beard, a gay is born.

Based shitstirrer

So many lolcowz

damn that got brigaded hard

This is why we need mayocide.


  1. Redditors stumble across edgy memes... -,

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I hope you get hit by a bus, asshole. People like you are the reason the world is fucked. And I mean that without a shred of irony.

This, but ironically