you cannot upvote problematic content sweaty 💅

1  2020-04-23 by PubeHarvester


Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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I don't understand what I'm doing wrong

Why is everyone here getting these notifications but I haven’t got any like I’m some kind of fucking nobody.

I upvote racism and even gore, what more do I need to do???

Real ez bby. Just go where the simps be and suggest maybe not all women are Kweens.

Has to be a quarantined sub.

I’m pretty sure I upvoted a few posts in r/waterniggas before the mods randomly decided to ban it altogether. Never got this message.

i got it from upvoting truck posting on arr slash bruhfunny

Same here. I've upvoted and even personally posted so many things that have been removed for being terrible. I only got temp-banned once because one of the admins thought this meme was targeted harassment at them.

Super jannies are total bitches, maybe I should personally harass them

Jesus christ. This is actually real? This is actually happening? The boundary between policing upvotes and prosecuting literal thought crimes is so thin that you'd become a trillionaire if you worked out how to make a condom out of it.

What a faggot website. That’s why I do all my radicalization on Telegram now.

I get like 3 of these per day. Like when I open my messages with a notification it’s a surprise when it’s anything but this

I just stopped using the reddit voting system altogether when these became a thing. I also don't trust reddit to not store every single vote and do things with them.

Well, sounds like you were being a faggot, and got dickslapped like a faggot.


wrongthinking on reddit is going to cost you some internet karma, nazi

don’t use our own site features!

I just got it today

It genuinely baffles me that an alternative to Reddit hasn't become popular yet. Like, before, I kind of got it why people didn't want to touch places like Voat since only certain... types of people were forced to use that place, but now Reddit is getting so fucking shitty that I'm certain even relatively reasonable people will no longer find it plausible to be compliant with the TOS.

This place is actually falling apart, yet no one seems to have come up with a proper alternative to it. What, you think your winging and complaining is actually gonna accomplish something? You think that your 10 paragraph rants in r/WatchRedditDie are gonna be what turns this place around?

you have to realize that reddit isn’t made for shitposting or for drama posting. it’s only here for pics of white women kissing dogs and for long schizo rants by bernard sandals supporters. it encourages a hive mind and dis encourages critical thinking. you read the reddit title and click upvote and then you’re stuck on a platform where you think a pic of a white woman and nigger and something to be celebrated

Reddit has become the very antithesis to what it was originally meant to be. Instead of being an open, uncensored platform where ideas can be exchanged freely, it has become an autistic hugbox run by troons and communists that literally punishes thought crime and is directly controlled by shareblue and the CCP. It's kind of like what happened to the Imperium of Man after the Horus Heresy.

then you’re stuck on a platform where you think a pic of a white woman and nigger and something to be celebrated

Excuse me sweaty, but we support the mayocide in this subreddit.



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Dis-encourages? Fucking tard

Rightoids 🤣👌


Plebbit at this point is too big to fail, so many astroturfing companies and governments have invested on it and many leftoids are literally trapped because they can't tolerate other social media apart from woke twitter.

Entirety of the internet has become gentrified, not just this shitty website. The old days of autists shitposting edgy memes on forums are gone atleast on forums with traffic such as reddit.

Try using iFunny

take my upvote and leave

The alternative to reddit is reality. I hear it’s quite popular.

Dude social engineering lmao

Why does everyone get these and I have yet to get my first

Fuck AHS

Commies should be shunned and routed out just like Nazis should be.


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Every straight man wants to fuck another mans daughter, but no man actually wants his daughter to get fucked, its more something that men just accept because you have to expect to go through what your wife's father had to endure, if you plan on having children. There are however the rare cases of men who do what I referred to in my mind as "Closing The Loop". Around that time when I was talking to my friends about this, about a week after the school scheduled for us to be given an inspirational speech by some rich white guy, basically all we heard were the same BS normie rhetoric which is just a denial of reality, you know like "Just be yourself and work hard", statements that outright deny reality and the inherent advantages, genetic or otherwise, that differentiate everyone. One thing in particular that he said proved to me how lucky this guy was, he had multiple children and they were all boys, he said that he even kept trying to have a daughter but he only got sons, one of his sons even went on to become a millionaire. Seriously how fucking lucky is that, all I could think while sitting in that class, is that this lucky bastard closed the loop, without even trying. He got to fuck the shit out of the daughters of many men, but he will never be forced to live through the awkward phase of having to let an extension of yourself be sexually dominated by another man, he'll never have to face the awkwardly repulsive thoughts that a lot of fathers probably have to face, like the fact that in these times your daughter is likely going to be taking it in the ass, and will probably have all sought's of sick shit done to her. At the end of the day there are only two ways to close the loop, to only have sons by luck, or don't have any children at all.


  1. you cannot upvote problematic conte... -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers


I noticed you dropped 4 f-bombs in this comment. This might be necessary, but using nicer language makes the whole world a better place.

Maybe you need to blow off some steam - in which case, go get a drink of water and come back later. This is just the internet and sometimes it can be helpful to cool down for a second.

I am a bot. ❤❤❤ | Information

Fuck nigger cunt piss shit faggot bitch ass nigger


Have an upvote

I got 5 of these in a week and I just wish there was a link to what upvote triggered it.

I've never gotten one before. I must be much more vanilla than I originally thought.

I'm sure they're deleted by the time this message is sent.

rookie numbers :soyak:

Reddit doesnt like making actual rules, because then they would have to actually enforce them. They just stay vague. Thats why r/drama isnt allowed to ping and pretty much any other sub can do so without consequences.

Can deuxcels still ping??

Only approvedcels, right /u/rsrfy?

How do we know if we are approved?


Sorry goys just testing something


Pings by unapproved deuxcels are automatically removed. If this is a good ping, it may get manually approved.

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I'm going to say the n word

This will spur them to action inshallah


>unapproved deuxcels

what is this trash?


Fugees and being unapproved. Name a more iconic duo /u/HaveSomeRenaWare


What subs have you been on? I haven’t seen a single one of these messages yet. Does it have to be explicitly advocating violence or something?

quarantined subs only.

I got that message yesterday and im not subbed to anything quarantined, i was a month ago but then that message is late as fuck

I've never gotten this in years of using reddit. What subs are you on

I've never gotten this in years of using reddit.

it's a new feature

I've gotten at least 20 of these. Wondering if there's a way I can mail my shit directly to the admins door so that they can stop.

I've got none of these. The fuck am I doing wrong

I'm subbed to r/Bruhfunny and r/Smuggies so that's why.

Sounds like admins are just targeting unfunny users

Dont be an asshole to the admins parents. It's bad enough they have a tranny son living in their basement. They don't want your creepy mail written in letters cutout from a magazine.

The admins would be more annoyed if you sent them virtual shit tbh. They don't have no actual life.

They are real people with names and adresses

I'm a rightoid and I've yet to get one of these 😔

Right harder then

Cries in hitler

This is just reddits way of checkin to see if youre B A S E D.

this just makes me want to shitpost even harder

You have committed a thought crime OP

1984 shit