Steve Harvey: "We asked 100 people, what is the male reproductive organ?" Contestant: "The penis" SH: "A WUH... HUH??" audience erupts into laughter Steve Harvey grabs onto podium to support himself laughter gets even louder SH: O lordy... one man goes into cardiac arrest and many others begin vomiting profusely from laughing too hard SH: YOU PEOPLE NEED HELP the Earth shatters and Satan rises from the underworld to claim unworthy souls the universe begins rapidly closing in on itself SH: (putting on a weary voice) Survey says... the board shows 100 for "penis" Harvey is able to get off one more shocked look before existence as we know it comes to an end
Say it all you want about soy face and the beard which is damn accurate but there's also the bloated lantern jawed asshole looking republican face that's pretty prominent in that area too.
1 AutoModerator 2020-04-23
What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...
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1 SnapshillBot 2020-04-23
Steve Harvey: "We asked 100 people, what is the male reproductive organ?" Contestant: "The penis" SH: "A WUH... HUH??" audience erupts into laughter Steve Harvey grabs onto podium to support himself laughter gets even louder SH: O lordy... one man goes into cardiac arrest and many others begin vomiting profusely from laughing too hard SH: YOU PEOPLE NEED HELP the Earth shatters and Satan rises from the underworld to claim unworthy souls the universe begins rapidly closing in on itself SH: (putting on a weary voice) Survey says... the board shows 100 for "penis" Harvey is able to get off one more shocked look before existence as we know it comes to an end
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1 -2ZcgcZ2- 2020-04-23
LoL some dude with the name Watson really typed all that shit out like people really give a fuck LOL
1 LetsGetSQ_uirre_Ly 2020-04-23
UK maga twink Prison Paul has got some DSLs
1 -2ZcgcZ2- 2020-04-23
That’s some RNS but who asked? GTFO
1 wizdumb337 2020-04-23
Say it all you want about soy face and the beard which is damn accurate but there's also the bloated lantern jawed asshole looking republican face that's pretty prominent in that area too.