Based on what?

1  2020-04-23 by fraustnaut


Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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Based on hwat?


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On redpill

white is so much higher than any other race


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Sentient and wise

checked and dare I say red-pilled

wtf, this bot has so many sentient replies in this thread


BTFO by automod

higher on the unbased level maybe


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All that fentanyl probably

Reminder that wops and micks aren’t right


Except Jews obviously.

who are of course higher than all

Based? Are you talking about the base of my bbq sauce? All this youth talk is tiresome, I just want to grill for God’s sake!

Grill deeznutz on yo mouth


Keep up that attitude and I’ll rewrite the will to give Chad the grill 😎

Oh so I'm getting the grill then awesome


Based? Based on what?

Based on the fact that I've got a fat cock


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Dude, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me a nazi infront of the DeuxCHADs, so not cool bro!

lmao slam em king

Well pull it out of your bussy and let us all see

based on a survey of 2020 lgbt teens, 50% of teens that identify as trans attempted suicide

Survey said : troids!

Muy Epico!

Based? Based on what?? Based? Based on what? on what?

“I work a 9-5 job, voted for trump in 2016 because he is anti-establishment and vows to keep my rights in check, and I have a beautiful wife and 2 kids”

17 year old weirdo online: SO BASED WTF

voted for trump in 2016 because he is anti-establishment


I don't work, I have a sugar mommy. I never vote cause I'm lazy and don't care. I have a beautiful wife and the kid is ok I guess.

based in reality

The average pol user is definitely not based in reality.

yes, but that's what it means


I don’t need Instagram or any other social media, I just go on discord and say some right wing things and all my internet friends call me king and say based and I get all the dopamine I need.

Holy fucking BAAAAAASED


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10-4 good buddy heard ya loud and clear, I'll get that concrete mix to you as soon as I'm done eating my early bird special at Denny's - oh, I didn't see you there, little millennial. Little millennial bitch. I used to buy crappy quality tools, shirts, and ladies perfumes at Sears and now you killennials have killed them.


  1. Based on what? -,

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pH 14

Wait this post is actually based though

What if I'm a libtard and I just like the slang


and bluepilled


Shut up faggot.




Me: "I just wanna grill for gods sake"

Filthy centrist scum

based on deez nuts bitch lmfao


Based on a true story

based on fact and logic


I only support monarchies sorry. The Tsardom will rise again.

hella based

I got an even funnier idea, can somebody honestly define left or right wing? so far ive found the terms completely meaningless, do you think left wing means trannies and right wing means racism? at this point i just say they are meaningless terms such nobody is on the same page of what that even means, ive heard so many different definitions..

You can like trace the history from the Frenchrev and see how different positions ended up being defined as left or right - but all in all nah, makes no sense lol

I prefer to use the historical definition like that... right wing is monarchy and left wing is republicanism and democracy. where are my true right wingers at 💪🏻
