Based god Benitez causes mass seething

1  2020-04-24 by -Jenkem_Huffer-


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Praise Saint Benitez, patron of capacity.

I was just removed as a moderator, and it saddens me greatly to no longer be a member of the mod team. I'm a tall bearded burly man, and I ugly-cried about it into a pillow last night. Being removed as a mod has ripped my guts right out of me.


  1. Based god Benitez causes mass seeth... -,

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I had no idea abortion or baby killing for rightoids was enshrined in the constitution

The 0th amendment literally says "lol kill a baby idiot, who cares"

Stupid rightoid doesnt even know the constitution

I dont see a lot of seething tbh. Even redditors who hate the 30 clipazine per second assualt rifle 14 can see this being swatted down is a good thing.

Leftoids were getting dunked on left and right which is abnormal for r/news

News is more right wing than the rest of reddit