Is the people in r/therightcantmeme retards

1  2020-04-24 by okcoolmanpleasedie


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When I was in high school in the mid-2000s, 4channers were the kids that would disregard academics, do drugs, keep no sleep schedule, wear trench coats to deliberately remind people of Columbine, play video games until 5 AM, and generally have a nihilistic attitude towards popular culture as a whole.

If fascinates me that they've come full circle and are now 1950's suburban dads just to own the libs.

It's almost like, get this, they grew out of it.

haha chad baby soiled himself 2,000 upvotes

....yes that's the point of the meme, the illustrator did it intentionally? ? why so many upvotes as if OP really SLAMMED that meme ? help me

person slaps a bunch of images together


ok how about memelord?

Lgbt degenerates shouldn't be allowed to take care of children under any form

Gays will inherit the earth, bigot

And then die out after one generation

The comments go out of their way to prove the meme right lmao

I mean even as a leftist u have to admit that the reputition of homosexuals being child molesters has some truth to it. I mean it's a tiny minority but, the majority of pedophiles is homosexual

It's because being molested as a child turns you in to a pedo and gay.

It's the circle of life.

It’s the majority. Big gay is just a front for big pedo.

not understanding correlation

the majority of pedophiles are may*s, that many are homosexuals is a confound.

are retarded smug leftoids retarded?

That sub is pure COPE. Both sides have shit memes but at least the right wing can occasionally come out with something more funny than retarded. Lefty memes are just overly sanitized statements with no punchline.

When your identity revolves around taking offense you’re not likely to very funny. I’m sure the right couldnt meme back in the Puritan days.

Burning foid witches at the stake if they can't pass impossible purity tests is top tier banter.

The existence of arrr witchesvspatriarchy proves they weren't wrong

This comment holy shit. Cum inside me

Tankies sometimes have decent memes tbh.

It is almost like retarded opinions are best suited for the meme format.

If your political ideology can be summed up in a meme, I have news for you sweet tea

To be honest it is not a good thing if your political position can be summed up with one picture.

Yeah, that’s what I was getting at too

Counterpoint: you're wrong

no u

Same here.

Fuck off ancaps being summed up with nukes is based

They seized the good memes.

When u send kulaks to gulag lmao bottom text

It’s hard to be funny when carefully not offending any oppressed groups takes precedent

My favorite new leftie meme phrase that gets parroted on Reddit as of last week is "schrodinger's douchebag".

Joining the ranks of real winners like sealioning, gaslighting, bad faith, chud, and imagine-posting

I really appreciate this trend, because it has made it much easier to be actually insulting. The hypersensitivity makes it so that insults like "bitch", which were once commonplace and barely of notice, now once more carry the same sting they must have in the 1940's. You can reduce most liberal women to tears by its mere utterance. Same with "retard" for liberal men.

Remember nothing is stopping you from using a slur you invent

Shut up, deuxcel! Man up and be a deuxchad!

Only AUTH ideologies have good memes

They say the right can't meme, yet they literally steal right wing memes and they seethe and downvote you when you point that out.

The LGBTQ community fought for the right for marriage and adoption equality because they hate children so much.

Why are they talking about the gays? Are they admitting that all liberals are gay?

They are more dumber than rightoid

Have you met libertarians?

Have you met your mom

Not since she died

If she was alive she would vote the king Biden

She wasn't black and she most likely would have voted for whoever supports Sharia law.

I've met his mom. Pictures were not as advertised.

Wojak memes are going to be looked at in 10 years like we do about rage comics.

Rage comics were based and epic. So if wojaks were elevated to ragecomic status, that would be an honor.

Okay average redditor

I'm an ifunnier. You?

Just pure seething.

Reading that thread confirms liberalism is a mental illness

It was already confirmed


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I honestly think you’re all just faggots. Especially that one queer moderator who skulks around in here. Gee I really do appreciate the thought and all the psycho analysis I really hope that you didn’t have your parents spend their hard earned money on the pressures education to choose a field where you know you’re just bad at it. But my U Penn degree and cybersecurity masters, would beg to differ, thanks for playing though. You realize this sub is nothing but a bunch of fat losers who cry about peoples opinions on the Internet in a sub with other big fat fatties. This sub is the equivalent of a liberal rally, just on the Internet and with less of a purpose and is way less respected.


  1. Is the people in r/therightcantmeme... -,

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op posts to drama 😐😐😐😐

I recognized the name and thought the post was bait since sometimes I post memes there to provoke those retards.

Yeah it is a bait but those retards couldn’t pick it up the idea that is post is a bait

elders must be respected in this group

drama is a CIA plot. They are not welcome here.


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Lmao imagine acting high and mighty when you got baited by my literal bait post. Sit down young deuxcel

don't come close to me you smelly boy

Can I ping kat_b0t?

u/Kat_b0t 😘

Wow, I’m shocked that a drama power user is actually a lefty, it’s not like they’re all lefties who just like to say fag


Lmao based. Hey I post in deux more than drama. My title shows how little self awareness those ‘people’ have

entirety of r/childfree exists and they deny the meme


Not wanting children of one's own does not equal hating children, when will the right understand that -_-

when they actually make one and going out for milk and never coming back seems appealing lmao

Notwithstanding the fact that I’ve never heard anyone make the argument that anyone who doesn’t want children must hate children.

I guess when you’re a leftist you need to rely on strawmen and false dichotomies to get your point across.

the original false dichotomy is that pro choice = pro baby murder

many believe gay means child molester

Again why do you ignore science they already did studies on this.

Yes. They is retarded.