/r/gendercritical is tired of being called Karen, so they want to speak to the manager of Internet to complain

1  2020-04-24 by UnalignedRando


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Tired of being called Karen does Karen shit


Foids and self awareness, name a less likely duo

Blacks and non-criminality. Gotem.

Dude, gendercritical has a massive crossover with r/antinatalism (setting out to not have any offspring), and they also crossover with r/autism r/depression and r/fatlogic a sub to "find out why you're fat". https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/gendercritical

They're genuinely the unhappy, childless, obese, socially retarded feminist stereotype come to life.

The exmuslim and Islam connections are part of a strange dynamic I want to know more about.

/u/mrmarfanman you know anything about this?

This is what happens when you forsake Allah

This is interesting. Obviously female ex-Muslims tend to be more feminist, as they leave the faith due to horrendous treatment from Muslims. But I don't see why they're specifically gender critical – maybe they disagree with the whole "my dad tried to honor kill me for having a boyfriend" thing about the faith, but still agree with the faith that the trans stuff is a bit much.

White women larping as actually oppressed women

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r/fatlogic is for making fun of fatties, not being a fattie

"Find out what keeps you fat and then do something about it. Sick of being fat? Shed your fatlogic here."

Yeah but most of the posts are just skinnycels making fun of shit fatties say.

I think we can safely presume that the gendercritical and fatlogic overlap weighs and smells more then the average member of either sub.

Still good for making fun of fatties tho 😂😂

wait, wait, wait.... hold your horses... uhm... YOU'RE A GIRL DEUXCEL?!!?! O_O Not to be a freak, but.. just when I thought you couldn't get more attractive.. you started posting on r/DeuxRAMA. Nicely done, m'lady. You've just become every man's dream woman. If you had missed a couple before, now you can be sure you've got us ALL "drooling", lol.


  1. /r/gendercritical is tired of being... - archive.org, archive.today*

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