Aryan princess cucked by Chad Producercel

1  2020-04-25 by SnapagatorReborn


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Wow an unironic Soros mention. They’re everywhere

Well it is the (((music industry)))

Are there people who actually think sucking dick is gay ?

  1. you're sharing protein
  2. you're admiring masculine physique
  3. being in the vacinity of other high testosterone males increases your own testosterone
  4. eating pussy is gay because you're litterally slurping down estrogen. and long term relationships have been proven to lower testosterone.

spartans had gay orgies all the time and they were the height of masculinity. you bet they were at least fondling eachothers test producers.

all these summer DYEL's piss me off. their twink bodies don't understand, but in time i'm sure they'll get it.


  1. Aryan princess cucked by Chad Produ... -,*

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She's got to be red pilled

Scooter Braun and his financial backers, 23 Capital, Alex Soros and the Soros family

😍😍absolute queen mentions the (((big bucks)))

When we repeal the 19th and send foids back to the kitchen, TayTay can stay in mine 🥰🥰🥰

Swift said: “This release is not approved by me. It looks to me like Scooter Braun and his financial backers, 23 Capital, Alex Soros and the Soros family and the Carlyle Group have seen the latest balance sheets and realised that paying $330 MILLION wasn’t exactly a wise choice and they need money.”

God damn she's naming them

Let me guess, 23 Capital is also owned by (((someone))) too?