They hate him for telling the truth (🌽cel spreads the truth about chink 🦇 flu in doomer subreddit. Doesn't go well)

1  2020-04-25 by _reason_biden_lost_


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Holy fuck. They're all just saying the same things. Cuck, cuck, cuck, cope, cope, cope, beta, beta, beta, cope, cope, cope. And these are the same people who'll call others NPCs. God, redditors are such an insecure, miserable bunch.


  1. They hate him for telling the truth... -,

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I have yet to see a coherent argument for why flyovercels are considered people.

You are not wrong

B-b-b-but, i wanna stay home and eat Doritos and watch my heckin awesome starwars! Why is it so hard for you normies to stay indoors? Thanks to our nurserinos blocking the roads, while the elderly choke on their own mucus! true heroes!

If you look at the recent findings some of these faggots had the kung flu and didn't even know it.

Huh. Glad you are better. Hopefully the immunity is legit and you don’t have to worry about the rona anymore. Edit: who fucking downvotes telling someone you’re glad they recovered?

I not sure what is more pathetic, downvoting someone for being glad OP is better, or griping about being downvoted for saying that.

Herd immunity is one of the most blackpilled things you can advocate for lmao

even among healthy people it’s a RNG for immune system self destructs

That's how the world work

Why are there so many Iowa posts lmao

Because users of r/Iowa are clinically retarded