An autistic kid takes my joke seriously and makes a post about me on r/iamatotalpieceofshit πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

7  2020-04-25 by agrees2retards


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You are too based for this world

And they've deleted their profile over the shame of making that thread. Classic reddit.

Reddit rules dictate you are telling the truth because you didn't mark your post with /s

Um, sweaty, not marking your post with /s or /uj is a reddiquette violation


That has to be the gayest word in the English language. As a wise man once said:

"[reddiquette is] literally the faggiest concept ever, even the word itself looks gay and french. 'reddiquette' drops the soap in gay word prison and gets gangbanged by 'yummy' and 'yikes'"

-Osama Bin Laden

/uj There is no god but Allah

To die

To sleep

Perchance to dream

In that sleep of death

What dreams may come


It's always funny when people go online without assuming everything is fake. These are the kind of people who click on scammer links

You know they say inability to detect satire is linked with autism.

Is this why redditroids can't take a joke? πŸ€”

"NadSigger" hmmmmmm πŸ€”

these β€œpeople” would be used as toilet paper in caveman times

You amazing bastard

Yeah this post might be interesting if it wasn't full of stupid r/drama shit, gotta make sure we call everyone -cels and -lets and call people autistic or else the drama folks won't appreciate our post!


  1. An autistic kid takes my joke serio... -,

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Man, its not funny. Please don't hurt children

Da chidrun . Those little cumbqgs shouldnt even be on reddi5 th3y should b3 playint f9rtnite beinf monitored by tyeie re5arded theethless grqndmas

This isn't /r/drama you don't have to type like a retard. Just think like one.

Who the fuck can type well?

get dabbed on you peasant 2-digit wpm

No fun allowed

That subreddit is 100% satire, while the joke us distasteful I doubt the guy even has a kid and is just fucking with you

Why don't the retards read the sidebar? It's not satire. It's not trolling. It's not joking.

Decades ago, an evil rose from the shadows, invading every home of every christian American family. It shattered our good and healthy ways to live, ruthlessly dragging the young folk to an abbyss of filth, addiction and degeneration. Disguising itself as entertainment, this evil finally showed up its fangs, painted by innocent blood.

This evil is called video games.

Today, more and more people, calling themselves as "gamers" spend their lives in front of a screen, killing and torturing people for fun. Their eyes hurt and their fingers get tired, but they continue. "It is harmless", they say.

Gamers around the world reunite in "conventions" to talk about these vile creations that are videogames. They cheer and cackle like demons at the gate of hell while big and multi billionaire corporations fill their pockets, exploiting the pain of families victims of gamers.

While this happens, more and more blood flows between our streets. More and more children and schools are covered with screams of despair. Despair of those who are victims of the gamer.

But we resist. We will not fall. We will not perish. We will PREVAIL!


I just unplugged my Xbox 360

πŸ‘‘ shit

You know what you have to do next. Godspeed.

Yes. Plug it back in and chew on the cord.

This just cracked me up. Well played, sir/madame.