Listen, my DeuxChads, this is the dream I dreamed last night

1  2020-04-26 by Toe_of_Patriarchy

AHS roared, and admins rumbled back an answer; between them stood I before an awful being, the sombre-faced Troidfinn.

He had directed on me his purpose. His was a non passable face, his whip was made of snake leather, his strapon was a foot long. He fell on me and his strapon was in my bussy, he held me fast and I smothered; then he transformed me so that my rape worm became a trussy covered with scabs.

He turned his stare towards me, and he led me away to the palace of cope, to the house in which none who seethes ever has sex, down the road from where it’s over.

“There is the house where DeuxChads sit in darkness; SRD is their food and menslib their meat. They are clothed like simps, they see no light, they sit in darkness.”

I entered the house of cope and I saw the DeuxChads, their crowns put away for ever; Like MDEfugees and Coomers, all those who once wore kingly crowns and ruled reddit in the days of old.

They who had stood in the place of gods like Theodore Kaczynski and Alex Jones, stood now like simps reading SRD posts, subscribed to onlyfans and getting their news from /r/politics.

In the house of cope which I entered were high priests and acolytes of the bussy and of ecstasy; there were dramacels, and there was our One Eyed God, that king whom the Cyclops carried from heaven in the days of old.

And there was AHS Birb with a tablet from which it read.

AHS Birb raised its head, it saw me and spoke: ‘Didn’t you know posting cp would get /r/DeuxRama banned?’

Then I awoke like a drained Coomer who wanders alone in a waste of 4chan threads; like one whom the FBI agent has seized and his heart pounds with terror.


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We’re doing drugs. If i wanted to hear “don’t do it man” or any other sort of social stigma about wanting to put meth in my ass I would have asked my mom what her thoughts were. Obviously if I’m ready to put meth in my ass and I want to know whether or not I should take a shit first, I’ve already made up my mind. It’s going up there.


  1. Listen, my DeuxChads, this is the d... -,

  2. /r/politics -,*

  3. /r/DeuxRama -,*

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