Controversy when MensLib discuss if they should let women call them trash. Chief Cucks lock the thread when there's not enough high heel licking.

1  2020-04-26 by SnapagatorReborn


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whenever someone is clearly doing a troll post you will get one of the mods or just some jackass saying "LMAO THIS IS BAIT!! HA HA HA" like they are in on the joke.

imagine you are watching a movie and some asshole yells out spoilers. it ruins the total performance. just shut the fuck up, like a good retard, and enjoy the show. dont be such an idiot and scream like you and the writers are on the same level because you are not. it is art.

i have literally seen countless posts where bait is ruined because some faggot points out it is bait so they can feel internet savvy. i am actually very angry.


  1. Controversy when MensLib discuss if... -,*

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mens liber make a shred of sense for even a second



Yikerino sweatys that's too much toxic masculinity. Back to the cuckshed y'all

As a straight white cis male, that's my take too. I know you don't mean me. Unless you do, in which case I need to reevaluate my behaviors.

It's like people getting offended at the statement "All Nazis are trash" because Schindler was technically a Nazi too. Obviously we don't mean the one guy that's the exception.

🤣 this has to be a troll


> As a straight white cis male, that's my take too. I know you don't mean me. Unless you do, in which case I need to reevaluate my behaviors

Or maybe, just maybe, he can try having some self respect

Accchually, when we say "all", it doesn't mean "all".

Come to think of it, ignoring the literal meaning of words when it suits you does explain the propensity they have for "male feministing" women...

It's just "ironic racism" but for lefties.

When words reduce in meaning you can make any sentence say what you want.

Women are trash

Blacks are trash

Trannies are trash

YIKES you're offended? I clearly didn't mean everyone lol only the bad ones looks like you got a problem honey...

Good Lord check out the post history of mrslangdon, batshit insane




Oh no no 😂😂

Believing witches are real in this day and age... Even worse, believing cats are real in this day and age...

> Allowing foids to comment

cuckslib gonna cuckslib

Which one is worse? Simp or MenLiber?

Comment below to win iPhone

There's a difference?

Aren't simps just acting to get attention? MenLiber actually believe these things.

Menslibber obviously.

They're simps that actually believe in degrading themselves

On one hand the whole yesallmen, notallmen, allmenarethrash or whatever those tags are, doesn't help much to get men into the good cause of feminism and equality, they'll most likely get turned off. But on the other hand the tags exist for a reason, these are people that have been hurt by men, people that need to vent and rant.

Really makes you think

With the vast majority of people on earth identifying as men or women, it is extremely statistically likely you will be hurt by only men or only women

The planet has a pretty even split between men and women. Being hurt by the opposite gender is not a given.

O no he didn't just imply there are only two genders.


What if /r/menslib is so pathetic in comparison to other incel subs because it has too many South Africans? What if South Africans is an actual, well-hidden driving force behind the "feminist ally" simp movements of the world?

Straight white cis male here.

I doubt it.

I've never met anyone that hates me for being a straight white cis male. I have gotten a lot of "you're the first straight white guy that's not an asshole."

Mayocide when?